DG -4- Blanket Kick

Start from the beginning

Their english improved..

"Yeah!! That-- that-- Bacon!! Yeah! Pancakes!!" Yeobo said while picking bacons and pancakes.

"Pffft. Poor english.." I whispered and shook my head.

I'm siting between Jungkook and Jin Oppa. Yeobo was on my front.

"Kookie ah!! Can we exchange sits?" Yeobo ask and smile.

"Bleh!!" Jungkook stuck out his tongue and roll his eyes on his hyung.

"Pffft.. Poor Taehyung ah!! Refused from our Golden Maknae!!" Jimin Oppa said with full of pancakes on his mouth.

"Yah!! You dirty water, Jiminie!!!" JHope Oppa shouted.

"Hahahahahaha!!!!" We burst into laughter to JHope Oppa's english.

"Tsk.. You got no Jams. Jiminie..." RapMon Oppa shook his head.

"Hey!! Hey!! Stop bullying me!!~" Jimin whined.

"Tch. Small Jiminieeeee hyung!!!" Jungkook stuck out his tongue.

"Poor Jiminie..." I shook my head and continuing in my foods.

"Enough with that.." Jin Oppa said and all of them stopped. "Don't fight when we are eating.."

"Yeah!! Jin hyung was right!!!" Yeobo clapped his hands.

We eat our breakfast silently, but still Yeobo kept calling Jungkook to exchange sits with him. But our Golden Maknae's sarcastic side revealed.. He always rolled his eyes on Yeobo and not paying attention to him.

"Pfft." I heard Jin Oppa.

"Aaaaaah~ Yeobo...." I look at Yeobo who's going to feed me with full of bacon and pancakes on one tablespoon?!

"Are you crazy?!!" I bursted. Omg. How can I eat that tall and big pancakes and bacon.

"Tsk.. That's why Tony told him.. "You.. Dumb blonde." Pfft.." JHope Oppa shook his head.

"Aaaish.. Kookie aaaah!! Please?! Can we?!" He pleaded to Jungkook who's eating his pancakes and directly looking at Yeobo's eyes.

"A-ni-yo!!!" He shook his head while saying those words by syllables. Matured maknae, huh?

"Tsk.. Jinnie Hyung!!!" Yeobo called Jin Oppa.

"Who's Jinnie?!!" He protested.

"Ahehe.. Jin hyung~ can we exchange sits?" He do an aegyo.

"You, Yunnie ah~ do you want to sit Taehyung ah beside you?" Jin Oppa asks me.

"Just eat there.. I'm not going and run away.." I assured him smile. 

He pouted and shook his head. "But I want to feed you~" he pouted again.

"You can.. but not that tall.." 



"This one, Yunnie?" Jin Oppas asks.

We are here in grocery. Again. Only Jin Oppa, Suga Oppa and I. The rest will clean the house and go to laundry. So after that, we can make what we want before we go back to Seoul. 

We need to go back to Seoul as soon as possible. Mom contacted me that she needs me, at first she's shy because it will interrupt to our vacation but I said that it's fine.. Yes, it's really fine. I told to Yeobo about my conversation with Mom and he agreeds and he said to that they need to go back to Seoul too for their comeback.

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