Is It Gonna Be Me and You?

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Prompt: The conclusion of "You're Not Her", "I'm Not You", and "One and The Same". In a true writer fashion, I've decided to give this story not one ending, but two. This is part 1 of two parts of the conclusion.

"Charlie." Zari sighs, squeezing Charlie's hands reassuringly as she looks deep into her eyes.

"Zari, if I pushed too hard, I'm sorry." Charlie starts apologizing.

"No, no, no, no. Don't be sorry, okay?" Zari tries to reassure.

"Ms. Tomaz, I'm waiting." Gideon says from inside Zari's room.

"What's Gideon waiting for?" Charlie ask, pulling her hands away from Zari.

Before Gideon could answer, Zari rushes into a lie.

"For me to fix the glitch I found in her system. It's a real nasty one too. Good old, Gideon, is just mad because she didn't catch it herself. You know how A.I.'s can get." Zari excuses.

"Well, I've only met one." Charlie laughs softly.

Zari can't help but smile at the shapeshifter.

"Charlie, I want to talk. I promise, but I need to deal with this. I know I'm leaving you on edge here, but I sincerely want to talk about us. Emphasis on us. I just need a little more time, but then I'm all yours." Zari promises.

"Fine. Only because I won't let you leave me on such a cliffhanger." Charlie sighs dramatically.

"This won't take long. Believe me." Zari swears as she dashes out the room.

"I hope not." Charlie whispers underneath her breath as the door of Zari's room closes.


"Gideon, put her on. And keep this between us, please." Zari sighs as she grabs her cellphone and sneaks into the jump ship.

"Of course, Ms. Tomaz." Gideon replies.

Within a few seconds, Zari hears some rustling and then in all to familiar voice.

"Z? Is that you?" Amaya asks.

"Amaya, what the hell? How are you even calling me? Why are you even calling me?" Zari hisses.

"Before I left, I snuck a phone off. In case of emergencies." Amaya explains.

"This better be some god damn emergency." Zari scoffs.

"Zari, I made a mistake." Amaya sighs.

"What mistake? I don't see any shift within the time line." Zari ask, running out of patience.

"Not about time. Leaving you, Z. That's my mistake." Amaya answers.

"I can't do this." Zari laughs bitterly.

"Please, I know I hurt you, Zari. I know and I am so sorry. But I can't move on, I can't live my life knowing that this thing between us, isn't finish." Amaya explains.

"We were finished the moment you decided to leave without so much as a second thought about me!" Zari hisses.

"Were we? Because I'd place all my chips on the idea that when I left the Waverider you weren't over me and I wasn't over you." Amaya huffs.

"You want to place your chips on the idea that I'm over you now? Or would you just like to play it safe, Amaya?" Zari spits out venomously.

"You wouldn't have answered if it were true." Amaya challenges.

"I thought you were hurt." Zari excuses.

"Like I said, you wouldn't have answered if it were true." Amaya says.

"What do you want, Maya?" Zari sighs.

"To come home, Z. To come home to you." Amaya answers truthfully.

"What am I suppose to say it that?" Zari groans.

"I don't know, Z. I'm going to call Sara, ask her to pick me up from Zambezi. We'll call it an impromptu visit. I'll see the guys and Sara, you can give me your answer than. If your mind hasn't changed, I'll be gone and you can live your life knowing that ship has forever sailed. But if you say yes, Zari Tomaz, you will make me the happiest woman throughout all of time. The choice is yours. I'll see you soon, Zari." Amaya explains before hanging up.

Zari collapses into the jump ship's pilot seat. The phone falls from her hands and on to the floor. She stares blankly ahead, her mind and heart confused. Zari has one girl who could possibly be her future waiting in her bedroom, and a girl from her past coming back to try again. At one point, she had an answer, now all she has are questions.

Author's Note: next week, we will have not one, but two endings. A Zari/Charlie ending and a Zari/Amaya ending. Who loves the fact I'm doing this rather than having just one? Comment what you thought and let me know which ending you're excited for!

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