I'm Not You

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Prompt: from imsodead2, How about a part 2 wheee Charlie secretly goes and tells Amaya what Zari was planing to do. (PART 2 TO YOU'RE NOT HER, CHECK OUT THAT FIRST BEFORE CONTINUING)

"You don't have to go, you know that?" Zari sighs when Charlie stands up and heads for the door.

"I only spend the night when it doesn't envolve clothes." Charlie smirks as she leans against the door and stares down Zari.

"I don't think I'm there yet, Charlie." Zari says.

"Maybe pajamas don't have to count as clothes?" Charlie shrugs, trying to hide a smile.

"Yeah, maybe they don't." Zari smiles.


Charlie smiled softly at the girl who was facing her, so deep in sleep and so relaxed. The most relaxed Charlie has ever seen Zari. Charlie carefully and quietly left Zari's bed and out of her room. When Charlie was far enough from Zari's room, she looked up at the ceiling.

"Uh, mate?" Charlie calls out.

Charlie looks around and turns back up to ceiling.

"Gideon?" Charlie tries again.

"What can I do for you, Ms. Charlie?" Gideon replies.

"Damn, Gideon. Wake up the whole ship, why don't you?" Charlie snaps quietly.

"Okay." Gideon replies.

"Sarcasm! That was sarcasm, Gideon." Charlie says quickly and quietly.

"Oh. Well, what is it that you need Ms. Charlie?" Gideon ask.


"I would like to go on record stating, this is a bad idea and I don't support it." Gideon states as she steers Charlie and the jump ship.

"It was all my idea, mate. Consider yourself guilt free." Charlie smirks.

"We have arrived, Ms. Charlie. You have 10 minutes." Gideon instructs.

"Thanks, G. That's all I need." Charlie grins as she hops out of the jump ship.


"Don't be alarmed, mate. Why don't you just pop a squat so we can talk, yeah?" Charlie offers, sitting the the dark.

"Who are you? What are you doing in here?" Amaya quickly ask, straining her eyes to see who is sitting in the dark.

"I'm here for you. I need to talk to you about someone real important." Charlie shrugs.

"I'll be more open to talk if you step into the light." Amaya offers.

"The name is Charlie, don't be alarm about the face. And, I'm here to talk about a certain girl. Maybe you remember her, her name is Zari Tomaz. And she is one hell of a girl." Charlie smirks once she shows her face to Amaya.


"So you're a shapeshifter and in order to stop The Legends from sending you back to wherever you came from, you changed into me?" Amaya ask, trying to wrap her head around.

"Yes because when you destroyed Mallus you also let whole lot of crap out, one those crappy things being me. But that's beside the point, I'm here for Zari." Charlie waves off.

"Zari? Is she okay? I swear to god, if you laid a finger on her." Amaya threatens standing up.

"I couldn't do worst harm then what you did to her. Zari is in perfect health, she doesn't even know I'm here." Charlie sighs.

Zari and AmayaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora