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Prompt: from snowdrop74, the girls get captured by Earth-X and put in a camp but Zari is scared so Amaya protects and reassures her that the team will save them

"On your knees." A soldier barks. 

Zari, Amaya, Sara, Alex, Barry, Oliver, Stein, and Jax stand, unmoving. Zari and Amaya clasping hands tightly. 

"I said on your knees!" Another soldier yells, slamming the gun to the back of Zari's head, causing her to fall down.

"Don't touch her!" Amaya yells, bending down to check on her girlfriend.

"And what are you gonna do faggot?" The solider spits out waving his gun in Amaya's face.

"Don't." Zari warns, lifting her head up, wincing as she does so.

"Hm. I can't wait to send you two to hell." The solider laughs.

"We're already there!" Amaya spits out as he walks away. 

"Ready, men?" Quentin's evil doppelgänger yells.

"I don't wanna die." Zari confesses.

"Z." Amaya sighs.

"We're gonna die, Maya. I'm scared. I don't wanna go. I'm happy, I don't want it to end." Zari says shakily, tears building up, some streaming down her face already.

"Look at me, Zari. I love you, okay? No matter what I love you, everything is gonna be okay." Amaya tries to comfort.

"I love you too." Zari whispers.

"Close your eyes and listen to my voice. It's gonna be okay. It'll hurt for a second, then you won't feel anything anymore. And when you open your eyes, I'm gonna be right there. Okay? I'll be there. So will Sara, Nate, Ray, Stein, Jax, and Mick." Amaya says.

"Amaya?" Zari ask, her voice trembling, eyes squeezed shut.

"It's gonna be okay, Z. I promise." Amaya whispers. 

Then, the shooting starts.

Author's Note: cliffhanger, part 2 will be posted soon. send prompts!

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