Stopping By

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Prompt: from mitre0, Zari stays or visits Amaya

"Hey, babe." Zari greets in the tall, grassy field.

"Zari, what are you doing here?" Amaya exclaims, turning around sharply.

"Sorry, not babe. Amaya. Hey, Amaya. I thought I'd just stop by, you know." Zari sighs, rubbing the back of neck anxiously.

"Stop by?" Amaya ask, not entirely convinced.

"Gideon gave me a time frame and location where you'd be alone, I had to keep it on the down low from Sara and the crew. They'd probably give me an entire lecture about possibly disrupting the time lane." Zari rambles.

"Yeah. And you might just get a lecture from me, Z. What were you thinking? You don't know who could see us or anything." Amaya sighs, pushing Zari on the shoulder.

"I was thinking, I've missed you." Zari says softly taking Amaya's hand in hers. 

Amaya sighs before pulling Zari into a tight hug, Zari lets out a relieved breath as she welcomes the familiar feeling of Amaya in her arms.

"How long has it been for you?" Amaya whispers.

"A little over two weeks. You?" Zari ask snuggling into Amaya's shoulder.

"A little over a month." Amaya answers as she pulls away from the hug. 

"Miss me yet?" Zari jokes. 

"Everyday." Amaya answers seriously, tucking a piece of Amaya's hair behind her ear.

"Wow, didn't expect you to be so truthful." Zari laughs nervously.

"And you?" Amaya ask.

"More than you realize." Zari whispers.

Amaya smiles sadly before leaning and kissing Zari lightly.

"I've yet to meet my future." Amaya says as she pulls away from the kiss, leaning her forehead against Zari's forehead.

"What's that suppose to mean for me?" Zari challeneges.

"Whatever you want, babe." Amaya smiles cheekily, pecking her on the lips quickly.

"I'm so glad Gideon fabricated a couple blankets for me before I left." Zari grins.

"Take me to the jump ship, Z." Amaya commands.


"I missed this too." Zari adds softly.

"Which part?" Amaya sighs snuggling further into Zari's chest, tossing the blanket over their sweaty bodies.

"All of it, Amaya." Zari says looking at Amaya.

"Me too, Z. Me too." Amaya whispers before falling asleep.

Author's Note: comment prompts and vote! I remembered I haven't  done an S.S.S., Ship, Sink, or Skip in a minute. So here we go: Sara and Ava. Ship, Sink, or Skip? I ship it! How do you feel about them? Comment your answer!

Zari and AmayaWhere stories live. Discover now