I Know

274 14 4

Prompt: Zari and Amaya never say 'I love you'.

Zari and Amaya never said those 3 words. You know the words. The words that would change everything. I love you. It was something that was never uttered, but constantly lingering. It was the way they looked at each other. The stolen glances, the constant look of worry, the way their eyes always seemed to have stars and hearts in them whenever they glanced over at the other.

It was the way they spoke to one another. How their voices were always unbelievably soft when talking to each other or about the other. The way their voices quickly took offense when it came to defending the other. It was the way that no matter the disagreement, the voices never rose against each other. No words were ever spoken venomously to each other, but instead dripping in love and adoration.

It was the way they touched. Their hands could be whatever the other needed. Soft as they thread a hand through the other's hair. Strong as they help each other in battle. Kind as they make the other look into their eyes to show how much she's cared for. Careful as they assist one another in the kitchen. Playful as they tickle one another until they're out of breath.

Zari and Amaya didn't lack love in their relationship, it flourished. But why wasn't it ever said?

Well it was. Whispered in the other's hair when they thought they were asleep. It was said under the breath as they watched the other work furiously. Thrown out casually to random people as they watch the other save the day. The words were even said in silent prayers as they begged for the other to wake up and recover from their wounds.

But never said for the other to hear.

Why? The question is, why?

Well, here's your answer.


"I know, Amaya." Zari confesses one night as they're play video games and snacking, well Zari is playing video games as Amaya cuddles her from behind and feeds her snacks.

"Know what?" Amaya asks, pressing a kiss to Zari's temple.

"What you whisper to me when you think I'm asleep." Zari says softly, pausing her game.

Amaya freezes, her breath catching in her throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Amaya whispers, making a move to detangle herself from Zari.

"Maya." Zari whispers, grabbing one of Amaya's arms that is wrapped around her stomach as she stops her from retreating.

Amaya sighs and returns to her original position.

"Why say something now?" Amaya whispers, nuzzling her head in Zara's neck.

"I don't know." Zari sighs, looking down at the game controller in her hands.

"Z." Amaya whispers, nudging Zari with her head to encourage her.

"I need you to know that I know. That I'm right there with you. But, I can't say it. Not to you anyway." Zari says softly and carefully.

"Can I hear why?" Amaya asks, taking Zari's hand into hers.

"We know that this thing between won't last forever. Fate brought us together, but it'll also tear us apart. If I say those words, I'm never gonna return to 2042. I'm never gonna stop feeling that way. That feeling between us, it'll ruin everything. The timeline, our future, other people's futures. It's not fair, but it's our reality." Zari explains, intertwining her and Amaya's fingers.

"We won't last." Amaya concludes.

"No, we won't." Zari whispers.

"But you know?" Amaya asks.

"I know. Do you know?" Zari asks.

"I know." Amaya answers.


But they knew, they always knew. And that was enough for them.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts!

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