I'll Always Find You

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Prompt: from AllyIsBack, Amaya gets stuck in a random year from the past and Zari is worried but then they get Amaya back Zari asks why she didn't just call

"Where's Amaya?" Zari ask as she walks onto the bridge, the team holder around and immediately falling quiet once they see her.

Everyone looks frantically at Sara, encouraging her to speak up for the group.

"Zari, we can't find Amaya." Sara says carefully.

"What?" Zari ask.

"She's stuck in the 90s from what we can tell, we just haven't been able to pinpoint her exact location or year." Ray explains further.

"What the hell? How do you lose someone in the 90s?!" Zari snaps.

"You know, it turns out it's very easy." Nate shrugs.

"Find her. Now! Gideon, going through any changes in the 90s, big or small they might be Amaya." Zari barks as she grabs her tablet, already searching herself, walking off to her room.

"That went well." Wally says sarcastically.


"Gideon anything?" Zari sighs.

"Not yet, Ms. Tomaz." Gideon replays.

"Where are you, babe? Give me a sign. Big or small." Zari says to herself.

Zari sighs, dropping her head in her hand. Silently praying.

"I need you." Zari whispers.

"Ms. Tomaz, I may have something." Gideon says.


"Amaya? Amaya." Zari calls out as she bust through the crowd of marchers.

"Zari!" Amaya yells happily as she barrels through the crowd into Zari's arms.

"Amaya, thank god. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Zari rambles as she hugs Amaya tightly, never wanting to let her go.

"I'm fine. I knew you'd find me." Amaya laughs as she pulls away slightly, taking Zari's face into her hands to look at her.

"I mean, you left huge ass clue. You left a part of your body part in each picture. When you put them together, you get you." Zari laughs.

"I knew you would love the puzzle." Amaya laughs lightly.

"You know this would've been a lot easier if you wouldve just called." Zari jokes.

"For a group that time travels, I don't recall any of us owning a cell phone." Amaya points out.

"I love you." Zari whispers as she pulls Amaya in for another hug.

"I love you, too. I know you'll always find me." Amaya sighs as she kisses Zari on the cheek and snuggle further into the hug.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts. check out my other stories and have an awesome weekend!

Zari and AmayaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora