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Prompt: Charlie is super casual and Zari hates it...but she low key loves it.

When Zari rolls off Charlie's sweaty body and collapses down beside her, she expects them both to bid each other goodnight, cuddle, and go to sleep. What Zari didn't expect was 3 very serious words slipping off as casual as asking for the time.

"I love you." Charlie sighs as she is steadying her breath.

"Yeah, goodnight, Charlie. Wait, what?!" Zari says tiredly at first before her eyes open wide.

"I think I'm gonna get some water. I'm a wee bit parched. You want some?" Charlie asks as she grabs a flannel off the floor, obviously Zari's, slipping it on to cover her bare body.

"Back up. What did you say?" Zari asks, sitting up and moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Something about water." Charlie smirks as she throws her underwear back on.

"After the water part. You said something. You said the l word." Zari points out.

"What? Licorice?" Charlie teases.

"Fine, don't say it." Zari huffs, trying to reel Charlie into her trap.

Charlie shrugs and goes to leave.

"No, wait! Please. I want to hear it, baby. Please?" Zari pleads, grabbing Charlie and pulling her to stand between her legs.

"I licorice you." Charlie giggles.

"Well, I licorice you too." Zari smiles softly.

"Happy now?" Charlie smiles as she peaks Zari lightly on her lips.

"It'll do." Zari smirks as she lets Charlie go.

Charle laughs to herself softly as she pulls away and goes to fetch them some water.

"I love you, Z!" Zari hears Charlie call out from down the hall.

Zari can't help but smile even harder.

Author's Note: Here's this week's Ship, Sink, or Skip: Nora and Ray. I honestly have no opinion, it seems a little one sided from what I've seen. It seems like puppy love on Ray's side, so I'll say skip. Comment your answer!

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