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Prompt: Jemily25, Can you please do one where Zari notices Amaya is being jumpy/not herself after the team gets back from Vietnam (s3, "Welcome to the Jungle") and is worried so she talks to her and Amaya tells Zari about what Grodd did to her.

"We can debrief later. It's been a long day, let's call it a night." Jaxx sighs before walking off.

Everyone nods, Mick lets out a grumble too. Zari is about to walk off but Amaya grabs her by the forearm.

"Your wounded." Amaya says as she points to the cut at the temple of Zari's head.

"It's nothing. It'll probably be healed by tomorrow." Zari shrugs.

"Please." Amaya strains.

"Okay, whatever you want, Amaya." Zari says calmly, taking Amaya's hands into hers.

Amaya nods and drags Zari off, Nate stands there watching them walk away before shrugging it off and leaving.


"This is going to sting." Amaya warns, before dabbing alcohol in the small cut to clean it.

"Are you sure you're okay? You've been distant since we've gotten back on the Waverider." Zari hisses, the cut burning.

"I'm fine." Amaya insists, wiping the cut dry now.

"Your hands are trembling." Zari says carefully.

"Here." Amaya sighs as she tosses Zari the wing bandaid.

"I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just worried. You haven't said anything about what happened between you and Grodd. And don't say it was nothing." Zari says as she stands up and catches Amaya before she storms off.

"There was something. Okay? Something happened with Grodd." Amaya admits.

"Amaya, you can tell me." Zari comforts.

"He got in my head. He caused this unbearable pain, took control of my body. Like some puppet and he was pulling the strings. I let my guard down and he got me." Amaya sighs.

"He got all of us." Zari offers.

"I am a warrior. I am suppose to be better." Amaya huffs.

"You can't always be perfect. You're going to have some not so great days, but your stronger than most. You'll always keep fighting. You did good, Amaya. You may not see it, but you did." Zari sighs.

"Thank you, Z." Amaya whispers.

Zari nods and hops off the seat.

"Ah, ah. We aren't done here. Sit back down." Amaya teases as she pushes Zari back down.

"Oh, I like a girl who bosses me around." Zari smirks.

Amaya blushes as she snatches the bandaid from Zari's hands. Zari stared at Amaya, hopeful for tomorrow.

Author's Note: send prompts and vote! Announcement time: I'm trying to come up with a title for a new Zari and Amaya book I'm going to make and I'm stuck between two titles, so I need your help. Comment which one you guys prefer: The Time Traveler or The Past and The Future. Comment which one you like the best!!!!

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