I Used To

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Prompt: Somebody asked me if I knew you. A million memories flashed through my mind but I just smiled and said I used to. Zari and Amaya.

"Did you know her, Director Tomaz?"


"We're bound together somehow in a way that I have yet to understand. Come with me, Zari." Amaya says as she stretches out her hand towards her, offering her life of adventure rather than a life spent constantly running and looking over her shoulders.

Zari would've been idiot if she didn't take that offer from the amazing and gorgeous woman who was offering her life of adventure.


"Cool costume." Amaya grins as she takes in Zari's costume.

A million thoughts flooded Zari's mind. Half of them consisted of different ways Zari wanted to have either her or Amaya's costume or even both on the floor. The other half consisted of cheesy pick up lines and flirtatious manners that Zari could never pull off.

"I don't know how you guys talked me into wearing this. How do you even fight in these things?" Zari whines, sticking to what she knows best, herself.

Amaya smiles widely and shrugs, turning her attention back to the situation at hand.


"My ancestor told me that the totem's strength grows as the threats we face become more powerful." Amaya says.

"Fantastic." Zaria says sarcastically.

"I think what she meant is that when you and I are together, we'll be able to face whatever comes our way." Amaya explains.

"I'd like that." Zari says softly  with a smile.


"Knock, knock." Amaya greets as she hangs in the doorway of Zari's quarters.

"If you're here to rip me a new one for hacking history, Sara already took care of it." Zari sighs as she flops on to her bed.

"That bad?" Amaya asks as she sits down at the foot of Zari's bed.

"That bad. But, I don't regret it." Zari sighs as she moves to sit next to Amaya.

"Yeah?" Amaya asks.

"Helen just made me realize that if I want to be a hero, if I want to do something meaningful and good, I can't always follow the rules. But, I also don't have to blatantly break them. Just find a loophole, I guess." Zari explains with a small smile.

"You changed her destiny, Zari. You should never regret that." Amaya says, placing a hand on her knee reassuringly.

"And you changed mine." Zari whispers, placing her hand overs Amaya's.

That was the night of their first kiss.


"Hey. You ok?" Zari asks Amaya gently as she carefully wraps her arm around Amaya's waist.

"I'm fine." Amaya sighs, leaning into Zari's embrace.

"You're not. And that's ok. I'm not gonna judge if you're not 100%." Zari tells her softly, briefly pressing a kiss to Amaya's forehead.

"Can we talk later?" Amaya asks her, resting her head on Zari's chest.

"Of course. I'll come to your quarters later tonight, ok?" Zari answers, wrapping her arms around Amaya and holding her tight, resting her head on top of Amaya's.

Zari and AmayaWhere stories live. Discover now