I Choose...

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Prompt: The conclusion of "You're Not Her", "I'm Not You",  "One and The Same", and "Is It Gonna Be Me and You?". In a true writer fashion, I've decided to give this story not one ending, but two. This is final part of the conclusion.

"Gideon?" Zari asks, standing outside her own bedroom door, stopping herself from opening the door.

"Yes, Ms. Tomaz?" Gideon answers.

"Is she asleep?" Zari asks, looking up at the ceiling.

"If that she is Charlie, then yes." Gideon replies.

"Good." Zari sighs, turning on her ankles and walking away from her bedroom. 


Zari wakes up startled, surprised to see Charlie standing over her fuming. 

"You know, Z, if you didn't want talk you could've just said so." Charlie huffs, tossing Zari's pajamas that she set out last night in her face, walking off.

"Charlie wait." Zari says, standing up from her feet, grabbing Charlie by her wrist to keep her from leaving.

"I thought you were different. Different then all the rest." Charlie sighs.

"Charlie, I am." Zari stresses.

"No. No, you're not. If you were different, you wouldn't have left me waiting in your like some idiot. I put myself out there, Zari. I took a leap of faith. And you let me fall on my face." Charlie says, yanking her hand away from Zari.

"Charlie." Zari pleads.

"No. I'm done, Zari." Charlie scoffs, storming out of the jumship.


When Sara and Ava walk in, the crew is sitting at the table, then tension so thick you couldn't cut with a knife. Sara looks at each of the boys questioningly, silently asking what happened. Each boy shrugs in reply, having no idea what's up. But when Sara looks at Zari, her sad and confused she looks, not even eating her donuts, just picking at them. Then Sara looks at Charlie, who's visibly fuming, but underneath all that, she looks like she needed a good cry. When Sara looks at Ava, she knows her girl already sees what she sees.

"Zari, come with me, I need to-." Sara tries to say, but is cut off by Gideon.

"Captain Lance, I have an incoming call for you." Gideon announces.

"Who?" Sara asks, genuinely confused who's calling her.

"Ms. Jiwe." Gideon answers.

Zari literally drops her head down on the table in defeat, Nate chokes on his coffee but manages to hide it, Ray nervously smiles, Mick grumbles about needing another beer, and Charlie scoffs. 

"Bloody terrific." Charlie chuckles darkly, storming off.


"So, Amaya's coming to visit. Sara took the jumpship to go get her." Ava says casually as she enters Zari's bedroom once the door closes behind her.

"I know." Zari mumbles, setting her tablet aside to look at the woman.

"What happened last night? I thought you had it all figured out." Ava asks.

"I did. Then, Amaya called." Zari sighs.

"Yikes. What happened there?" Ava asks, sitting down next to the girl on the bed.

"She apologized for leaving. Amaya wants me back. That's why she's coming back, she's expecting an answer to her question." Zari shrugs.

"You don't have an answer do you?" Ava asks carefully.

Zari and AmayaWhere stories live. Discover now