3 Failed Proposals Later...

251 13 5

Prompt: Zari dodges all of Charlie's attempts to propose to her.

"Oh my." Zari gasps as she turns around to see Charlie on one knee, reaching in her pocket as she looks up at Zari with eyes of pure happiness.

"Hi." Charlie whispers as she pulls a small black ring box from her pocket.

"What are you doing, Charlie?" Zari laughs nervously.

"Something I've wanted to do since the moment I knew I loved you." Charlie says with a wide smile as she takes Zari's hand into hers.

"Oh. That's cool. So very cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool. Super duper cool. Yeah, I'm just totally gonna sneeze right now, real quick." Zari quickly rambles, performing an exaggerated sneeze to trigger her powers and cause a breeze of wind.

A carefully directed and powerful gust of wind that blew the ring box out of Charlie's hand.

"Whoops?" Zari offers with a nervous smile.


"I don't know how I tolerated mornings without you waking me up like this." Zari whispers across Charlie's lips as she pulls away from her girlfriend's morning kisses.

"You'll never have to again if I have any say in it." Charlie whispers as she tucks a strand of Zari's hair behind her ear.

Zari smiles and delivers her own passionate kiss across Charlie's lips. Before either of them can get too handsy, Charlie pulls away with a grin.

"As much as I like where this is heading, I do have a surprise for you." Charlie says.

"A surprise?" Zari questions.

"Yeah. In the galley. Go on ahead, I'll meet you there." Charlie replies, pressing a soft kiss to Zari's cheek before nudging her out the bed.

Zari rolls her eyes fondly as she allows Charlie to ease her out their bed. Quickly, Zari pulls on her pajama pants from last night and a flannel over her tank. She scurries down the halls of the Waverider to the galley. And to her surprise(and complete horror), there lays a plate of donuts. Not just regular donuts. But donuts lined up with the words 'Will You Marry Me?' spelled out.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no." Zari whispers to herself as she paces around the galley, casting repeated glances at the donuts.

Suddenly, an idea pops off in Zari's head. Zari scurries out the room, plate of donuts in hand. She finds herself outside Mick's quarters. Zari impatiently pounds on his door, trying to put her plan on action before she's caught.

"What?" Mick grunts out as his quarter's doors slide open.

"Breakfast?" Zari offers nervously, holding the plate of donuts out in front.

"Are those letters? You know I'm too hungover to form sentences let alone read them." Mick grumbles, looking at the donuts skeptically.

"Just eat them, Rory." Zari snaps.

Mick glared at her as he snatches the plate out Zari's hands, sticking a donut in his mouth as his doors slide shut. Zari huffs but nonetheless runs back down the halls to wait in the galley. Not a minute later she enters, Charlie's entering behind her.

"So what do you think?" Charlie asks nervously, wringing her hands in anticipation.

"That you're definitely lacking in the gift department." Zari jokes.

"What? Bloody hell!" Charlie exclaims as she looks and finds the donuts gone.

"Next time, okay? How about we go back to our quarters and you wake me up a little bit more?" Zari offers, rubbing her hands up and down Charlie's arms.

"I guess." Charlie pouts as she allows Zari to lead her back to their shared quarters.


"Charlie, what are you doing? We're literally minutes away from imminent death. I know these things can get your hormones out of wack, but this is neither the time nor the place." Zari rambles as Charlie pulls her into the cargo bay.

"Jesus, Zari. This isn't a booty call. My hormones are very well in tack, I'll have you know." Charlie exclaims.

"Charlie. Imminent death. Minutes away. Need to get Gideon back online. What do you need?" Zari huffs, placing her hands on Charlie's shoulders.

"I need to ask something. Every time I try to, something happens and I don't get to say my piece. And if we're really minutes away from imminent death-." Charlie begins to say.

"Probably seconds bow, but go on." Zari interrupts.

"Like I was saying. I need to say this and you need to hear this. Zari Tomaz, will you-?" Charlie starts to say.

"GET YOUR BUTT TO THE ENGINE ROOM?! DO YOU GUYS WANT TO DIE?!" Sara screams as she busts into the cargo bay.

"Just take me now." Charlie mumbles to herself.


"You bitch. You've known this whole time I was gonna propose." Charlie exclaims as she watches Zari get on one knee.

"Guilty. Sorry, babe, but I was not about to let you throw a wrench in my plans." Zari laughs as she holds the ring out for Charlie.

"The imminent death bit was fake too, right?" Charlie questions.

"Oh, no. It wasn't. We really were gonna die. Anyways, I don't really have to ask this, but for traditional sakes, I guess I'll ask. Charlie, will you marry me?" Zari asks.

"Maybe I should make you go through hoops and loops before giving you a straight answer." Charlie jokes with tears in her eyes.

"I'm gonna take that as yes." Zari smiles as she slips the ring on Charlie's finger.

"Of course it is." Charlie whispers as she pulls Zari in for a kiss.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts!

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