Corny Jokes=Corny Girlfriend

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Prompt: from AllyIsBack, Zari and Amaya's first morning after and Zari is scared that Amaya will leave so she starts trying to make jokes.

"Good morning." Amaya whispers with a soft smile as she and Zari begin to wake up.

"Hi, morning." Zari says nervously with her own version of smile, more of a nervous one.

"Last night, it was amazing, Z." Amaya smiles as she sits up, throwing on her shirt from last night.

"Yeah, really, really amazing." Zari stutters. 

"I'm gonna go back to my room, get ready for the day and all. I'll see you out there." Amaya says as she heads for the door, slipping on her pants as she does.

"Uh, what do one toilet say to the other?" Zari blurts out before Amaya can reach the door.

"What?" Amaya questions, confused by Zari's outburst.

"You're looking a little flushed. What did one hat say to another?" Zari laughs weakly.

"Z, what are you doing?" Amaya ask.

"You stay I'll go on ahead. Get it? Ahead. A head? Classic." Zari chuckles. 

"You're freaking me out, Zari." Amaya says.

"What do you call fake pasta?" Zari ask.

"Impasta. Now, if I could interrupt this very awkward moment, Captain Lance request everyone's presence on the bridge." Gideon interrupts.

"Hey, Zari, what do you call an interrupting AI?" Amaya ask.

"Gideon." Zari mumbles.

"We'll talk later." Amaya promises before leaving.


"I didn't know you worked part time as comedian." Amaya jokes as she enters Zari's room.

"I'm not." Zari grumbles, going back to paying attention to her game.

"Wanna tell me what that melt down was about?" Amaya questions.

"My funny bone was acting up." Zari quips.

"Zari." Amaya sighs, as she sits down next to her.

"I was scared, okay?" Zari confesses as she pauses her game.

"Why?" Amaya ask.

"I was scared because I thought when you walked out that door, you would forget about me. That maybe this was a casual thing to you, and I don't want this to be casual." Zari admits.

"This, between us, is not casual. You could've just told me how you felt, we could've talked about this earlier. I'm sorry, if you thought I would jus leave you like that." Amaya says.

"So, what now?" Zari pushes.

"Do I know you? Because you look exactly like my next girlfriend." Amaya giggles.

"You know, I was gonna say the same thing, gorgeous." Zari laughs.

Author's Note: vote and check out my other arrowverse stories! Also, if you know a good joke tell me it in the comments!

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