The Future is An Endless Possibility

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Prompt: The season finale of The Flash but with the Legends. Charlie isn't apart of this prompt FYI!

"We did it! We beat Neron!" Zari exclaims as she pulls her wife, Amaya, and grownup son, Behrad, from the future in her arms and they jump up and down in excitement.

"Yes, we did. And I couldn't be more proud of you both." Amaya smiles fondly pulling back and placing each hand on Zari and Behrad's cheek.

"Thank you, Moms. For everything." Behrad smiles sadly as he looks at both women.

"Hey, thank future us when you go back home okay? We fixed time, buddy. Neron was defeated, we brought Ray back, everything's okay. Behrad, son, we did it. You did it." Zari says proudly, brushing away tears streaking down his face.

"You remember what you said to me when I told you I felt like I screwed up coming back here?" Behrad asks.

"At the end of the day love is worth the risk." Zari starts.

"No one can do this alone." Amaya finishes.

"I finally get it. Love is worth the risk, Moms. And you're right, I couldn't do it alone. I needed my family. I know that now. That's why this is okay." Behrad sighs as he lifts up his disappearing hand in his mothers' faces.

"Oh my god." Amaya gasps.

"Gideon, what's happening?" Zari calls out as Behrad collapses, but she eases him to the ground gently.

"It's a change in the timeline. I'm being erased, Mama." Behrad sighs as he lays his read in Amaya's lap and she combs through his long hair.

"We can fix it, Z. We can save him right?" Amaya begs as looks around at the team frantically.

"There's nothing you can do, Mom. I knew the risks. Just being here, it reminded me why I wanted to do this." Behrad whispers.

"You can't leave. You're my son, Behrad. We're a family. You have to stay, please." Zari pleads cupping his face as tears stream down her face.

"It's okay. I found peace, Mama. I'll be okay." Behrad reassures.

"Zari." Amaya says softly, looking at her wife.

When Zari looks up at Amaya, she knows. Behrad has accepted this, Amaya has as well, and now it's time for her to make peace. Zari nods and wipes away her tears, taking a deep breath. Zari pulls her family close, Behrad sits up as much as he can with Amaya's help holding him up. Zari holds them in her arms, Behrad squashed between the couple.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun.(To Allah we belong and to Him we return)" Zari whispers consolingly, resting her head on top of Behrad's.

"Thank you, Mom and Mama. For everything." Behrad whispers.

"We love you, my son. We always will." Amaya whispers into his hair.

"Ma sayati hu 'afdal mimma hadath.(What is coming is better than what is gone)" Behrad whispers back and then he disappears.

Zari and Amaya's arms fall limp, as the one thing they were holding on to most vanished. Zari turns to her wife who tried and succeeded in remaining brave during Behrad's last moments. Amaya is staring at her hands that are shaking, not believing that her own son as been erased.

"Maya." Zaria says carefully.

Amaya quickly falls into Zari's arms and sobs into her wife's chest. Zari quietly sobs into Amaya's hair, together they mourn the lost of their son Behrad Jabari Tomaz-Jiwe. The team stands to the side helplessly with tears streaming down their faces.


"Hey." Zari says softly as enters the library/study.

"Hi." Amaya whispers back, setting down her glass of whiskey.

"I'd ask you if you're okay but..." Zari trails off as she her hand traces over the papers and various objects her and Behrad spewed across the room as they worked furiously.

"Please don't ask me if I'm okay, Zari." Amaya whispers, her voice cracking and tears filling up her eyes as she dunks the drink back quickly.

"Don't shut me out, Amaya. Not now." Zari pleads, kneeling in front of the chair her wife is seated in.

"I just feel so sad and angry, but I also feel-." Amaya begins.

"Pride?" Zari offers.

"Behrad risked everything he knew to bring us back together. To bring Ray home." Amaya says.

"He truly was the best of both of us. Our son did good, Maya." Zari says fondly.

"We should check, Z. I want to know, I need to know, that what Behrad sacrificed wasn't in vain." Amaya whispers.

"Ok. Whatever we see, just know that I love you, Amaya Jiwe." Zari says fiercely.

"And I love you, Zari Tomaz." Amaya replies.

"Gideon. Pull up the records of Amaya Jiwe and Zari Tomaz, the year 2058." Zari orders as helps pull Amaya to her feet.

"As you wish, Ms. Tomaz." Gideon answers as the records appears.

"Z, look. Behrad did it. We're married still, you're still alive and so is Ray. Behrad did it." Amaya says in awe.

"Amaya." Zari whispers, her eyes zeroed in on one aspect of the records.

Amaya reads over what Zari is focused on and her eyes fill with tears once more. But these were tears of joy. Zari turns to look at her wife and laughs happily, tears flowing down her cheeks. Amaya jumps in her arms and they squeal with joy. Behrad was alive in the future. And so is their little girl Kali. Yes, they lost a son tonight. But at the end of the day, Behrad came back and he was joined by a new little sister.

Author's Note: BOOM! Basically in the future, Ray is killed when the Legends defeat Neron. Zari spends the rest of her life trying to bring back Ray and in doing so destroys her marriage with Amaya and almost destroys her life. Behrad goes back in time to help save Ray, which in turns saves his parents' relationship and Zari's life. Comment some prompts and vote!!!!

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