Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)

Start from the beginning

Cut to Dalton Academy where the Warblers are performing 'I Want You Back' with Sebastian on lead as Rachel, Blaine, Kurt, Artie, Brittany, and Santana enter hearing them perform, alarmed by how good they truly are.

The New Directions just stood there stunned as the Warblers finished their performance. "Well if you guys want to forfeit now, go ahead," Sebastian smirked as he added "Or Blaine if you want to rejoin the group you abandoned, you're welcome to it." Blaine shook his head "I used to be really proud of being a Warbler. Not because we were good but because we were really classy. None of that was classy," Blaine said approaching Sebastian as he spoke. He then began to walk away "Nothing." He then turned to the New Directions as Sebastian chuckled. "Come on guys, let's go," Blaine said as the New Directions began to leave. "And what did you think Sha-queer-a?" Sebastian shot at Santana who turned back around. "I thought you sucked Fibol. If that's your best MJ I'm going to wipe the floor with your wanna be Disney prince hair cut," Santana smirked as she walked off. Blaine approached Santana whispering "What did you really think?" He asked. "I think we got serious problems," Santana whispered back to Blaine as he as well as the rest of the New Directions looked nervous, was this the beginning of the end for the New Directions?

Cut to the choir room as the New Directions are entering as Tina is complaining. "There has to be some kind of show choir competition committee we can complain to," Tina frowned. "I know it sucks, guys, but it's not the end of the world," Blaine said trying to be helpful "Heck, you had your set list stolen the day of the competition at Sectionals, and you pulled that one off, right?" "If it wasn't for Mr. Schue's guidance all year we wouldn't have," Artie said as the others nodded as they took their seats. "I'm not exactly comfortable having this conversation with Blaine in the room. Clearly, once a Warbler, always a Warbler," Puck shot as he looked at Blaine annoyed. "Uh, wh-what?" Blaine asked confused. "Dude, you told them what we were gonna do. You're like a modern-day Eggs Benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned," Puck said folding his arms. "Benedict Arnold," Quinn corrected Puck. "Same difference," Puck shrugged. "Not exactly," Quinn said shaking her head.

"We should all be on notice. I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best Glee Club in the state, and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship, so we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat them," Finn said. "I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn," Mr. Schue smiled as he entered the choir room "I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys. Which is why our lesson for the week is," Mr. Schue then wrote WWMJD on the board. "What Would Michael Jackson Do?" "He'd fight back," Finn nodded "He'd say Regionals is ours, MJ is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from my sequin-gloved hand." "Mm-hmm. Straight up. In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his "Billie Jean" video. What'd he do? He fought back. They aired it, and the Thriller album sold an additional ten million copies," Artie smiled. "That's right," Mr. Schue said. "I know what Michael would do. I think he would take it to the streets," Blaine said. "And what would you know about taking it to the streets?" Santana asked Blaine as Blaine looked back at her. "I know plenty about fighting Warbler style, a sing-off in the parking lot after school," Blaine said as the rest of the New Directions agreed to do so. They were going to fight to get back what was rightfully theirs.

Cut to the McKinley High parking lot as Santana and Blaine walk in with their hoods up. "Well we're here," Sebastian said as he and the Warblers got into the parking lot. "We got something to settle. Both of us want to use MJ, but only one can," Blaine said. "We're having a Jackson-off, Nick at Nite. Winner gets the King of Pop for Regionals," Santana smirked. "What, us against the two of you? You really think you're that bad? Is that what they teach you at that little public school of yours?" Sebastian chuckled "It's time to see who's bad," Blaine said as Santana snapped her fingers as the rest of the New Directions arrived to help them for the Jackson-off as they began to perform 'Bad'.

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