Hello Beloved (Elseworlds)

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"You just had to talk yourself into trouble, didn't you?" Dinah muttered as she and the others were sitting in their cell at GCPD following their arrest.

"I was trying to deescalate the situation at hand. At least I didn't kick one of the guys between the legs." Oliver hissed.

"He pulled a gun on you, Uncle Ollie." Dinah retorted. "What was I supposed to do?"

"Oh I don't know not kick him?" Oliver jestered sarcastically.

Dinah rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. "Whatever."

Laurel sighed in annoyance. This could not get any worse for them. "Well. So much for trying to stay out of jail."

"You mean the promise you made when you left AA, doll?" Bucky recalled.

"Yep. And now I've broken that promise thanks to Ollie, again." Laurel deadpanned.


A female police officer headed to their  cell opening the cell door wide.

"Good news. Somebody posted your bail." The officer announced much to the group's surprise.

"Who?" Kara asked.

"I don't know. Guess someone wanted to make you guys their headache instead of mine." The officer shrugged stepping aside to reveal an exotic woman with tan skin, brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a black business suit, causing Chris's eyes to nearly bulge out of his socket.  It-It can't be.

"Hello beloved."  She greeted causing Oliver, Laurel, Bucky, Barry and Kara turn to the brown haired man.

"Athanasia?" Chris said.


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