Unfinished Business Part 2

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Lyla: Well as I said, ARGUS had him in their possession couple of years back. It was something different about that that made him deadly and efficient in his work almost as if he can switch his mind off easily by becoming cold and calculated. As matter of fact Argus saved his life rehabilitating him and it was working until he'd escaped.

Diggle: And when you say he'd escaped...

Lyla: He somehow managed to persuade one of our top scientists who was a part of his rehabilitation into helping him but not before Winter Solder massacring half of ARGUS workers without any reason and he would've continued if the scientist hadn't pulled out the insurance policy to him, his weakness.

Diggle: Even the most monstrous of villains have weak spots, Lyla. 

Lyla: And this one did. Apparently the weak spot is a female citizen living here in this country who the Winter Soldier was intimately close to. And before you ask of her name, I don't have the clearance to it, either.

Diggle: Well, I hope you find him.

Lyla: Yeah, so do I.  Despite what he'd done in killing the people at ARGUS,  my bosses still wants him brought in for his enhanced abilities.  Personally If I were in charge after what he's done, killing some of my colleagues at ARGUS, I wouldn't hesitate for a second of putting a round in that son of a bitch. Some people aren't just worth saving.

Diggle: Agreed.

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