Pre Fight

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AN: This is a random chapter that is non canon.

Mystic Falls

Salvatore Boarding School


Hope burst through the doors into grand hall to see it was in complete chaos. Students and were being tortured as well as being beaten to death by Diaz's men, witches, vampires and werewolves. She was angry, horrified and infuriated at the sight. All this because of what her father did to his father in the past. It was one thing to go after her but the school that helped her? Fortunately she managed to get Dr Saltzman, and Mr. Williams to safety before the school was taken over. Beth and Bucky were escorting Lizzie, Josie, MG, Rafael and Landon out of there.

Picking up his scent somewhere, she did the one thing that would get their attention. "DIAZ!" She shouted for everyone to hear.

Diaz's men stopped the beating and saw her including the students.

"Look who decided to come to my party." Diaz announced smugly as he came out of the shadows, wearing the amulet that granted him superhuman strength to make himself equal to hope.

"Let. Them go." Hope demanded.

"I told you." Diaz reminded the Tribrid of his promise as he walked over to her slowly. "The only thing I wanted was to see you suffer like your father made mine."

"Well that's too bad because you're not getting what you want." Hope spit it angrily.

Tilting his head slightly, Diaz threw her one, his fist colliding with her jaw, knocking her down thanks to magic the amulet it grants him. The students gasped of how easily Hope was knocked down.
Growling, Hope spit some blood out of her mouth, shaking off the cobwebs as Diaz whistled. "I've been waiting to do that for a long time." He said.

Getting pretty pissed, the auburn Mikaelson got back up with a glare that would scare any man off. "That one was free but the next one is gonna cost you. And I'm gonna see to it that you'll spend the rest of your life, eating your meals in an dungeon just like this." She snarled pointing to the prison at the basement, for a moment she was her father's daughter with that threat.

"I promised myself that i'm never gonna die in prison." Diaz said unfazed. "I'm gonna take you with me."

Hope flashed the signature Mikaelson smirk, the same one that her father had whenever there's trouble. "Don't be so sure."

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