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AN: Non canon chapter for upcoming Elseworlds of the Arrowverse.

This has been a really really weird day. First Laurel discovered that she has Buckys bionic left arm and his enhanced powers. Then Bucky realized that he has Laurel's sonic scream and is now a meta human. Needless to say they freaked out realizing that they had switched identities. Laurel Lance is the White Wolf and Bucky Barnes is the Black Canary.

So naturally they went to look for clues and fortunately they found two. Barry Allen and Oliver Queen who are also experiencing the same things.

Oliver: This can't be a coincidence. T-There has to be a reason behind this which means that someone is responsible behind this.

Laurel: Right, we just have to find out  who...Barry, would you stop doing that! It's creeping us out.

Barry jumped down from the highest level of the salomon ladder gleeful.

Barry: Man! We're Totally Freaky Friday! No we didn't switch bodies. Maybe it's a quantum leap.

Bucky Laurel and Oliver: BARRY!!!

Bucky: Right now the whole world thinks that I'm the Black Canary, Laurel is the White Wolf, Oliver is the Flash and you are the Green Arrow. So please just focus for like two seconds.

Barry: Sorry. But guys, you gotta admit it's a bit cool.

Oliver murmuring: I will find it a lot cooler when I wake up in my own bed  tomorrow.

Barry: You woke up in bed with Iris?

Oliver: Mhmm.

Barry: We have to fix this right now!!

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