Elseworlds Part 17

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"Guys, this doesn't have end up in a fight."

"It always ends up in a fight, Doll."

Laurel and Bucky were tossed over the tables courtesy of Mr. Ramon's bodyguards, knocking off some glasses before landing on the floor with a thud. Thanks to John Deegan, the reality had been altered again and this time Bucky and Laurel were now known as the Nightstalkers: bank robbers, murders, thieves, the whole nine yards. Needless to say they were pissed off and they were more infuriated when they saw three police officers wearing the faces of Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and Adrian Chase. Things could not get any worse.

"Is it a bad time to ask for a selfie?" Gary, the bartender inquired.

Bucky groaned slowly getting back up with Laurel. "Was always like this with Sara?" Laurel asked referring to the amount of times Bucky had to bail Sara out of barfights when they were teenagers.

"You don't know the half of it."  Bucky grunted.

"Let's go!" One of the bodyguards roughly picked them up and dragged them to the exit.

"Wait! Your brother Dante!" Laurel called out to Mr. Ramon.

"Stop! Hold up!" Mr. Ramon commanded, the redneck bodyguard let them go at his order. "how do you know about Dante?"

"It's a very long story and he would tell you to listen the once in a lifetime proposal." Laurel replied. "How would you like to get rid of Superman?

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