Crisis on Infinite Earths (Infinity War style)

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Oliver Queen stood in front of his parents graves near  the ruined Queen's  Mansion.

Oliver Queen: It feels like a thousand years ago.  I've fought my way out of Lian Yu, becoming the Green Arrow. Realized I love you. Our daughter being born.  I always prided myself on planning ahead to beat my opponents but... I'm not sure I can plan this one.

Bucky Barnes aka White Wolf was walking down the street in Star City with a solemn look.

Peggy Carter: The World has changed. None of us can rewrite the past. All we can do is our best. And sometimes the best we can do...

Hope Mikaelson stood in front of her parents's graves in New Orleans with her wife Beth Sanders-Mikaelson  standing next to her, holding hands with tears in her eyes. 

Barry Allen had his head hung standing over the graves of his parents.

Peggy Carter: is to start over. 

Sara Lance sat back against her father's grave, holding his badge while her sister Laurel Lance-Barnes looked from a far, feeling guilty for her indirect role in their father's death.

Quentin took the bullet meant for Laurel. Slade stabbed Moira Queen through the chest with his sword. Reverse Flash Killed Nora Allen. Martin Stein was killed on Earth-X.  Klaus stabbed himself with a White Oak Stake killing himself and the Hollow in the process. Leonard Snart sacrificing himself while destroying the Oculus and the Time Masters.  Kara watching her home planet Krypton get destroyed.

Chris Lance-Barnes/Captain Wolf: I keep telling everybody that they should move on. Some do... 

The Lance Siblings stood on the top of City Hall in Star City.

Chris Lance-Barnes/Captain Wolf: But not us. 

Natalie Lance-Barnes/Silver Canary: And if there's a small chance, we own this. To everybody not in this room to try it.

 Natalie and Alex Danvers pressed their foreheads against each other in a moment of affection.

Mick Rory/Heatwave charged up his fire gun.

 Chris Lance Barnes: We will. Whatever it takes.

Kara Danvers/Supergirl hovered above the battle ground, basking in the yellow solar radiation as her eyes turned red.

Bucky Barnes/White Wolf: Whatever it takes.

Sara Lance/White Canary took out her batons and charged at Anti Monitor with a battle cry.

Sara Lance/White Canary: Whatever it takes.

Silver Canary and Black Canary let out their cries simultaneously.

Silver Canary: Whatever it takes.

 Bucky Barnes/White Wolf shakily locked and loaded his rifle, ready to make his last stand.

 Oliver Queen puts on the hood of his suit for the final time.

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow: Whatever it takes.

Crisis on Infinite Earths.


John Diggle: This is gonna work, Oliver.

Oliver Queen: I know it will. Because I don't know what I'm gonna do if it doesn't.


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