Was it worth it?

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"Wanna say few words, Lyla?" Laurel inquired Lyla as the ARGUS director came by Quentin's grave following the arrests of Hive members all over the globe. It was a quiet afternoon in Star City. "I don't have any at the moment."

"God rest his soul. That should be enough." Lyla said simply.

"You know for his last birthday, I bought him a yellow cake with chocolate frosting. He used to make it when I celebrated my birthdays." Laurel recalled fondly then sighed grievously. "I wanted Darhk dead."

"Was it worth it?" Lyla questioned Laurel decision of killing her Father's murder. She wasn't judging, just curious and also having a understanding why Laurel did it because if Darhk had killed Johnny she would've done the same."Killing Darhk?"

"I've been thinking about that for the past week alone." Laurel replied. "I saw what taking a life does to people. Oliver. Sara, Bucky and my Dad. I saw the dull look in their eyes showing how much it takes a toll on them. So... yes it was both worth it and not worth it in the end."

Lyla smiled sadly knowing what the assistant D.A. was going through. "It's called schism Laurel. You're conflicted by both sides. The idealist that is the D.A. of Star City vs the realist who is the Black Canary." Lyla told her. "Killing is never easy, especially for a good woman which you are. But no one blames you for what you did, certainly not Oliver."

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