Preparation for the Main Event and leads

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"Quentin Larry Lance, may you rest in peace."

Putting the half fingered boxing gloves on her hands in workout outfit, Laurel was about to take out her frustrations and anger on the heavy bag back in Arrowcave, two days after her father's funeral.  All day she had listened to  how sorry her father's  were for her loss and sending their deepest condolences to her.  But that all meant nothing to her.

Despite the fact that Damien Darhk was the most  wanted man in Star City at the moment, there were no current clues that indicated the location of Darhk which was frustrating for Team Arrow. But a day later, Frank called her telling her that the CSI team had found her father's cellphone in his apartment with a video message. He handed it to her who in return handed it to Felicity hoping that  it would be something important.

She started to throw some quick jabs on the bag before throwing some haymakers in a steady pace.


Diggle was looking solemnly at the photo of himself, Andy and Carly at their wedding in his apartment. It seemed a lifetime ago when that photo was taken during their wedding ceremony and now that picture is a constant reminder of what he'd done.


Laurel quickened the pace as she started to throw punches at the bag, her mind wandering back to her father's last moments where he took the bullet for her.


Felicity sat on her couch eating mint chip sadly at the loft. She's just been voted out of the board at Palmer tech which compounded all the bad things that happened to her in a spam of a few weeks.

Laurel was beginning to hit the bag hard when she was thinking about the man who ruined the lives of her father and friends in the past year.


Oliver Queen looked out to the ocean grimly thinking about taking the high road had resulted in the death of Quentin Lance. He tried to be better, tried to do the right way but in the end it hasn't gotten well. He's been in the gray area for too long to change. He realized it too late.


Laurel struck the bag with ferocity, swinging left and right hooks as she was pushing her body to the limit when her cellphone ringed, stopping her from the continuation of beating the bag to oblivion. taking a moment to breathe before answering the call.

"Laurel Lance." Laurel said still breathing heavily, beads of sweat were dripping down her forehead onto the floor.

"Laurel, Lyla here."  Lyla replied. "I know this isn't a good time to call you after your father's funeral but I think I got a possible lead on Darhk."

"How?" Laurel queried, taking a huge gulp of water from the water bottle.

"A CIA contact informed me that a flight ticket to Barcelona was purchased online by Milo Armitage, a businessman who's alleged to be a high ranking member of HIVE. He's gonna board the plane set to leave Star City today."  Lyla told her.

"Where's he staying?" Laurel questioned, hoping that it would be the big breakthrough.

"I'm texting you the address. If you can catch him before he boards the plane..."

"He might tell me what Darhk is up to now." Laurel finished realizing that she might have the  chance of finding  Darhk. "Thank you, Lyla."

"Hey, after what your father did to save you...It's the least I can do for you, Laurel. "  Lyla told her sincerely before ending the call. Laurel got notified of a text message she got from Lyla. She read the message that contained the address of the hotel that Milo was staying at this moment of time.

Hochman Hotel. Kanigher Street.

"You're really going through this, are you?"  Laurel sighed hearing the voice of her father standing behind her as she went to change into putting  on her Black Canary suit. "Killing Damien Darhk? That's not how I raised you."

"If this is an attempt of trying to persuade me from not killing him, don't bother." Laurel said, not even sparing her father a glance. "Besides, I got an advantage. Darhk's rusty in terms of hand to hand combat from what Oliver told me so I need to hit him quick and hard before he even throws a punch. And he's not as young as he used to be."

"You're too mad to think straight just like I was four years ago when Queen came back." Quentin said, seeing some of his negative traits shown in his daughter. "Laurel... Please. It's not who you are. It's gonna get you killed."

"Should've thought of that when you shut me and Mom out when Sara went missing at the seas almost 10 years ago." Laurel retorted, putting on the black gloves before zipping her jacket up. "And when you got into bed with Darhk last year, so spare me the lecture." She left the batons still stored because she doesn't need them. Not when what's about to come. The main event.

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