Doing Right by the Family name Part 4

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"With the successful arrest of Max Fuller assisted by the newly arrived vigilante who is yet to be named at this point of time. The sources suggest that she will be working officially on the side of the law with the SCPD, marking a new era for Star City."

Hope Mikaelson was watching the news where she saw a picture of herself in her Tribrid suit regarding the arrest of the soon to be former club owner Max Fuller on the news in the living room of Mikaelson-Sanders home which was a compound house located inside the city of stars. "Looks like you're having your fifteen minutes of fame, babe." Beth commented as she went to sit next to her wife on the couch with two cups of warmed blood in her hands. she gave one to Hope while keeping the other one. 

"Yeah and the next thing I know is that I'll probably be invited to a talk show which is the last thing I need right now." Hope said sarcastically taking a sip from her cup which Beth rolled her eyes playfully as she scooted closer to her wife.

 "Who would've thought that the all powerful Hope Mikaelson would work alongside with the 5-0 as a vigilante?" Beth mused. "Can you imagine that?"

"No I didn't." Hope replied. "It felt good though, putting on the suit again. But now I worry who's coming for me next." 

"Oh don't worry, Babe. You'll do just fine." Beth reassured. "Besides, you're a Mikaelson, you don't back down from anyone."

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