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"We've got to stop meeting like this. What would your girlfriend think, Johnny? " Lyla mused as she sat next to Diggle on a bench at the Starling City Park in the afternoon.

"Lyla, I am checking the box marked single these days." Diggle said, chuckling grimly as he  thought back to how badly it ended between him and Carly. It was not pretty.

"Sorry to hear it. What happened?"  Lyla asked sympathetically.

Diggle sighed as he told her the obvious reason behind the break up. "Well, another man came between us. Deadshot."  He admitted.

"You're getting in the bad habit of letting him ruin your life." Lyla shook her head not surprised.

"So I've been repeatedly told." Diggle conceded.

"I don't blame you though, Johnny." Lyla reassured her ex husband. "It's the same with me, except it's not Deadshot."

"The Winter Soldier, I take it?"  Diggle guessed knowingly, Lyla scoffed shaking her head once more this time though in disgust.

"Yeah. That bastard is continuing to slip through ARGUS's radar and none of us are even close in catching him." She practically growled out her frustrations. Diggle just nodded  before changing back to why he called her.

"Anything on those stolen army weapons?"  He questioned. 

"A crate of 12 M4A1s went missing from Camp Kirby two months ago."  Lyla replied.

"Yeah, I think I know where they went." Diggle muttered. 

 "Every crate was fitted with a GPS system so they could be remote tracked." She told him as she handed Diggle the remote." I tried pulling it up but it's not receiving. Must have been deactivated."

"Thanks Lyla." Diggle said putting the remote in his jack pocket, Lyla raised an eyebrow in question. She knew Johnny long enough to know there's another reason why he continually  called her for favors.

"And your interest in this is what?" Lyla queried, Diggle chuckled.

"Lyla, you and I went to Afghanistan to try to bring law and order to a country overrun by war lords with weapons, right? Should we do any less for our own cities?" Diggle stated his reason without giving out too much. Lyla had to give him that one. "Thanks again." Diggle got to his feet walking away from her.

"Hey, Johnny." Lyla called out  to Diggle who turned to hear what she had to say. "These days, I check the box marked single, too."

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