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Lagos, Nigeria.

Bucky walked out of a hut that was his temporary home, looking at the African landscape enjoying the sunset. After the Starling City Siege, he'd left Starling to find Dr. Hamilton who was a part of the Winter Soldier program in hopes that he could remove Waller's brainwashing program. It took him a few months but with a little help, he'd managed to track the doctor seeking refugee in Lagos, Nigeria. It was a long and hard process, Waller was very through but they did it. The brainwashing program had been wiped off his mind.

He went to greet some kids that ran past him. They kept calling him the White Wolf because of his pale skin and his beard that he grew during his recovery. It was a cute name. White Wolf and a lot better than Winter Soldier.

"Good evening, Sgt. Barnes." He turned to see an old army friend, T'Challa Hislop approaching him. He was apart of a Nigerian Special Forces unit that were captured in Afghanistan. Bucky's unit were assigned to search and rescue T'Challa's unit. The two men didn't get to a good start. Bucky thought that he had a stick up his ass and T'Challa was judging him for being an average american soldier, shoot first and ask questions later but then after surviving an ambush attack, they grew a mutual respect for one and other. In fact, he was the help that Bucky needed in locating the former ARGUS scientist.

"T'Challa." Bucky acknowledged not taking his eyes off the sunset as T'Challa stood next to him. "And please, call me Bucky."

T'Challa chuckled. Despite the numerous occasions of calling him Sgt. Barnes, the former army ranger still insisted on being called Bucky. "How are you feeling?"

"Good." Bucky answered. "Thank you for your help in finding Dr. Hamilton."

"You are welcome, my friend." T'Challa replied. "Come. My sister Shuri wants you to join our family for dinner. She is looking forward to meeting the man who I quote "saved my brother's ass"."

Chuckling to himself when he heard it, Bucky followed T'Challa to his friend's home for dinner.

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