Agent Silver Part 5

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"Thank you for being here, Dinah." Alex said as she and Dinah went to clean up their bowls at the kitchen sink before putting them inside the dish washer.

"It's the least I can do." Dinah replied closing the washer.  "Remember what we talked about?"

"Right. That I should trust my instincts more." Alex recalled nodding her head in recollection. "And the pain will fade in time, right."

"Exactly." Dinah said.  

A question that had been brewing in her mind since she met the silver haired woman from the future. And she was gonna get her answer. "So, what  happens next? I mean you're from the future in another universe and I'm an government agent who works for a governmental organization that monitors and captures aliens." 

Dinah sighed shaking her head. She knew that it would her question. But according to motto, she didn't care about the future.  "Doll, as I told you at the hotel in Central City: Focus on the present and worry about the future later." 

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