Batman (Elseworlds)

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Oliver: You probably shouldn't go, Barry.

Barry: What?

Oliver: Oliver Queen is a public figure and an infamous vigilante. If you are in Gotham City, you're attracting the type of attention that we don't want.

Barry: No. If if Gotham can handle the Batman, it can handle the Green Arrow.

Oliver: The Batman's an urban legend.

Dinah: He's actually real, Uncle Ollie. I met him a few times.

Oliver: He is not real. He's an urban legend concocted by the Gotham police department to scare criminals.And I'm the original vigilante, Barry!

Laurel: Are you jealous, Ollie?

Oliver: I am not jealous.

Bucky: Yes, you are.

Dinah: He's real, Uncle Barry. I should know, I dated his daughter.

Oliver: He. Is. Not. Real.

Dinah: Yes, he is.

Oliver: No.

Dinah: Yes.

Oliver: No.

Dinah: Yes.

Oliver: No.

Dinah: Yes.

Oliver: Yes.

Dinah: Ha! Gotcha!

Oliver: Damnit!!

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