School Fight

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Bucky Hope and Beth were leading MG, Landon, Rafael and the Saltzman twins through the hallway crawling with students fighting or at least trying to fight Diaz's men off but they came prepared.

"Keep your heads down. Don't wanna attract any attention." Bucky advised, which Lizzie scoffed at the warning.

"Oh please, we're the principal's daughters. They know better." Lizzie said arrogantly, causing Hope and Beth to roll their eyes.

"It's not about them, Lizzie. Diaz knew about the student gathering, which means he knows about the school schedule." Hope replied.  "We need to get to your dad's office and call Sheriff Donavan for backup. "

"What, are you crazy?" Lizzie asked incredulously, "That is a terrible, terrible idea." 

"Did you hear Diaz? He's killing everyone here just to get to me." Hope reminded the blonde siphoner, not in the mood for her complaints. "Look, You don't like me, I don't like you. But right now we gotta put our differences aside to save our classmates."

Lizzie let out a loud sigh realizing she was left with no other choice given the severity of the situation. "There's a hidden entry in the library. But the only the way to it is by the parlor. It'll be ten times worse than here. The school is already an power-keg that is about to blow."

"That's an chance we have to take." Rafael said determined.


"Maybe we should've taken the backdoor." MG muttered mortified as the gang arrived at the parlor seeing more of Diaz's henchmen beating the werewolves to a pulp with wolfsbane laced batons while the rest injected vervain into the vampire's necks. "Because there's no way we're getting into the Library."

"We're not gonna let our students die." Hope proclaimed, having see enough carnage at the sidelines. Hope walked over to one of the henchmen hastily,  grabbing him by the shoulder and punched  his lights out while Beth followed her babe's lead by kicking back and fort between the two thugs that was ganging on him in the midsections and Bucky parred some hits from his upcoming attacker  before hitting him with his metal fist  across the jaw, knocking him out cold. 

"Go, we'll cover you!" Bucky shouted to the gang who wasted no time to get to the library.

Hope ran up to another henchmen  jumping up and kicked him in the chest with both of her feet, sending him back several feet  as she landed on the wooden floor back first before getting back up, crawling to her feet. Beth slid under one of the henchmen,  avoiding the swinging fist and rose up kicking him on his back, knocking him down to the floor. Hope  blocked the swinging left hand from another henchmen and grabbed the back of his head ramming it face first into the wall, leaving him with a concussion. Bucky grabbed one by the arm throwing over his shoulder and knocked him out with a swift blow to the chin.

After disposing Diaz's them, Bucky, Beth and Hope left the parlor and headed to the library but not before checking on the beaten students.


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