Broken Arrow

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"Captain Lance, I  would like for you to remove the mask to reveal The Arrow's true face."

"Screw you!"


"You bastard!"

"It's ok, captain."

"No! It's not, you know what this means?!"

"I know. But you have to trust me, Quentin."


And He did. with great reluctance, Quentin had no choice to peel off the eye mask to show to the World that Roy Harper is the Arrow. Following his resignation, Quentin was heading back home when Bane kidnapped him and demanded on live television that The Arrow to be there to reveal himself to the world. While everyone was thinking strategies on how to rescue Quentin without resorting to it, Roy took the initiative and put on the Arrow suit without anyone noticing and headed to the location where Bane was holding SCPD Captain hostage and the rest followed.

"Yeah?" Roy said into his ear communicator hearing

"Why? Why did you do it, Roy?" Felicity asked on the verge of spilling her tears out of her eyes.

"I had to. Oliver did a lot for me when I was injected with the Mirakuru so I wasn't gonna let that luchadore freakshow ruin everything he has done for Starling." Roy explained his actions. "I want you guys to leave The Lair. I'm about to initiate Broken Arrow Protocol."

"Are you sure?"

"There is no other way Felicity." Roy stated.

"Ok and thank you."


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