"I get that," Reggie says. "I can't imagine what you're going through right now. If there is anything I can do to help just let me know."

"No, nothing right now," Veronica insists. "I'll see you at Pop's tomorrow, okay? I should get some rest."

"Yeah, for sure. I'll see you first thing tomorrow. Goodnight." Reggie says.

"Goodnight." Veronica replies and then hangs up the phone.

As she lays in bed and tries to fall asleep, she can't help but think of Reggie. Shouldn't she be thinking about Archie. Of course she still loves and cares about Archie but there is something about Reggie that Veronica can't quite put her finger on. Maybe it's the way he always texts to make sure that she made it out of Pop's and back home safely. Maybe it's the way he always made sure to help Veronica in all the little ways that he could.

Eventually, Veronica fell asleep and soon after the call ended Reggie was able to too, knowing Veronica would be okay.

The next morning, Reggie got up, got dressed, and headed to Pop's.

He arrived before Veronica did. Down in the speakeasy part of Pop's, Reggie started his daily organizing and sorting of things that were shipped in overnight.

Once Veronica arrived, Reggie had almost finished sorting everything.

"Hey Reggie," Veronica says with a small smile.

"Hey Ronnie. I'm almost done putting away the rest of the drink mixes that arrived overnight."

"Thank you, I really appreciate everything that you do around here," Veronica says.

"Of course, it's not like I have anything better to do," Reggie says with a chuckle.

"You sure? You are literally here all the time. You can take a few days off every once in awhile," Veronica explains.

"Nah, I like to work. It builds character."

Veronica smiles and looks down at the floor. "That's one thing that I like about you so much. You're such a good person. So loyal. So honest."

"You really think so?" Reggie humbly asks.

Veronica's eyes meet his. "Yeah, I know so. You're such a better person then I'll ever be."

"That's not true," Reggie says. "Veronica, you are probably one of the most inspiring people that I know. You're kind and funny and always know how to handle a situation. You bring out the best in people. You bring out the best in me."

Both of them hold eye contact and smile.

"Do you maybe want to get out of here for a bit?" Veronica asks.

"I thought you'd never ask," Reggie says.

Reggie walks around the bar and over to Veronica and they head up the stairs together.

The go outside and get into Reggie's car.

"Where to?" Reggie asks, gripping the steering wheel.

"Let's go for a walk in the park, shall we?" Veronica suggests.

"Sounds good to me," Reggie says as he starts up the engine and drives to Picken's Park. He parks and they get out of the car and start walking. "Why did you choose the park?" he asks.

"I just needed some fresh air," Veronica says, inhaling deeply.

Reggie nods as they continue walking. The park was relatively empty. Of course there was the casual jogger or dog walker but other than that there weren't many people there.

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