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Chapter 41: Reunited

Elijah and Katherine had reached New York City about twenty minutes ago. The first thing on their list was to find a witch who could do a locator spell to find Rebekah and Stefan. They walked around Time Square as Elijah went through his contact list.

"Have you found a witch yet? We're been here for so long!" Katherine complained.

"Hold on Katarina, I'm sure I have one here," Elijah said as he tapped his phone to finally make a call. Katherine rolled her eyes. As much as she wanted to come, she also didn't want to come. She wanted to stay behind with the kids. They are the sweetest things that have come into her life after Elijah and it had been so long. Why couldn't he bring Esther with him? He wouldn't be looking for a witch right now.

Elijah's call went through and he was swiftly talking to whoever was on the other side. Katherine walked along the sidewalk further down in her four-inch boots. She was wearing her black leather jacket, glad that it was still in fashion. A car pulled up in front of her and a window rolled down.

"Hey babe, wanna come for a ride?" the man asked. Katherine looked at him and smirked. If only he knew.

"I don't know, you look a little young for my taste," Katherine teased.

"Trust me babe, you won't regret it," the man said.

"You know, I would but I don't think my boyfriend would be okay with it," Katherine said. "Actually, I would prefer a drink..."

"Katarina," Elijah said as he came and stood beside her.

"Excuse us," he said to the man in the car with direct eye contact. The man drove off. Elijah then turned to Katherine. "A woman your age should dress accordingly and behave," he said with a smirk.

"What can I do? No matter how old I am or how I dress," she leaned in and whispered in his ear, "they just can't resist." Katherine smirked and turned away. Suddenly, a hand came around her waist and pulled her back. Elijah rested his chin on her shoulder while he whispered in her ear, "we'll see who needs to resist when we get back home." Katherine drew in a breath, relishing on his warm breath that misted her ear. Elijah let go and started walking. Katherine snapped out of her fantasy and walked behind him.

"So did you find one?" Katherine asked.

"Yes," Elijah said.


"You'll see," Elijah said. Elijah hailed a taxi and they were on their way. Once they were dropped off in a quiet neighbourhood, Katherine followed Elijah as they walked up some stairs to a small house. Elijah gently knocked on the door and they waited. An old lady opened the door. She looked at Elijah and Katherine with frightened eyes and tried to close the door when Elijah stopped her.

"Please, we only ask for a small favour," Elijah said. The woman spoke from the gap in the door and ledge.

"What do you want?" she said.

"Just a simple locator spell," Elijah said. The witch looked at Elijah and then Katherine.

"I will not invite you into my home," she said. Elijah and Katherine nodded. "And you will ask nothing more of me." Elijah and Katherine looked at each other and nodded again.

The witch came out with a map and knife and sat on the covered porch of her house.

"Let's make this quick," she said. Elijah sat in front of her. He gave her his hand. She ran the knife across it and let the blood drip onto the map. The witch closed her eyes and silently chanted. The drops of blood started to move and soon stopped. The witch got up, took her knife, went into her home and closed the door. Katherine picked up the map.

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