Originals and Attraction

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Chapter 4: Originals and Attraction

Klaus's POV

"Yes Elijah, what is it?" Ester asked as she walked out the door. She always had this presence when she was near. Some people were intimidated by her, but she was always very kind and compassionate. Stefan stood there holding Caroline in his arms staring at her. Klaus had never seen someone so beautiful. She looked like angel who had fallen from the heavens. Her golden hair hanging from her tilted head and she had this brightness about her that drew him in.

"My sister, she's unconscious. I don't know what happened." Stefan finally said.

"Bring her inside." Ester said as she walked back into the house followed by Stefan.

"Rebekah." Ester called. She probably wanted her to help her with Caroline.

Klaus became worried, he hoped Caroline was okay. He had never seen anyone like her before. The village didn't have that many girls that were of their status and Mikael would not allow them to court peasants. Klaus wondered what Mikael would say about Caroline and Stefan. Right then Mikael walked over to them.

"Why are you all gathered here? Do you not have any work to do?" Mikael said furiously. He sometimes felt that his sons were of no use to him.

"Father..." Elijah said and walked over to Mikael. He explained about Caroline and Stefan. Elijah was the best at talking to the old man. Mikael always remained so calm with him. If it were Kol or Klaus, his anger would know no bounds and they would be blamed for everything especially if it was Klaus. Then there was Finn who barely spoke to him. No one can say anything to Mikael's little girl, Rebekah. He was always happy to hear what she had to say.

Stefan walked out of the house looking concerned. Elijah had finished explaining to his father about them. Mikael walked over to Stefan.

"How is your sister?" Mikael asked.

"I do not know. She is still unconscious." Stefan said worriedly. His eyes shifted toward the door checking if Ester had come out yet.

"What is your name son?" Mikael asked.

"Stefan, sir." Stefan said.

"Your full name." Mikael demanded. He always needed to know the person's class if they were going to be his guest. His was a well known landowner in this village and he would not have a peasant living under his roof. Stefan stood there looking at Mikael for a moment and then said,

"Stefan Forbes and my sister Caroline Forbes."

"Forbes. I heard of that name. Landowners." Mikael said with affirmation, he had approved of their status. Klaus felt his heart flip out of happiness but didn't quite understand why. Stefan and Caroline had just arrived, why would them staying here make him so happy? Just then Ester walked out of the house saying that Caroline was fine and had regained consciousness. Stefan asked if he could go see her. Ester agreed as she went to talk to Mikael. Klaus felt a strange sense of relief inside and he too wanted to go in with Stefan.


Caroline's POV

Caroline sat up on the bed she was lying on. She was in shock. She had just seen the original witch and Rebekah. But didn't Ester die? Caroline was so confused. Then she saw Stefan walk into the room. He was wearing a long white shirt with a wide leather belt around his torso and dark brown leather pants. His hair was longer too. Caroline looked down at herself. She was wearing this long lavender dress. What was going on?

"Stefan? What's going on? Where are we? Oh my gosh, are we dead?" Caroline asked panicking.

"Caroline calm down. We've been transported around thousand years into the past." Stefan said.

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