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Chapter 40: Found

Mystic Falls

Katherine and Elijah look at the three little pups in front of them. They were the most adorable wolves they had ever seen. There was also something special about them that separated them from regular wolves. Even though these three were very young, their structures were broad. They were definitely stronger and faster.

"Zane, Eliza, Noah?" Elijah said. "They can turn into wolves?" The three little wolves gave a little bark. Elijah bent down keeping a hold onto Aden and Arianna, and smiled. He couldn't believe it. He was looking at Niklaus and Caroline's children, even though they were in their wolf forms. One was a light grey, which was just like Niklaus and the blond wolf was definitely a replica of Caroline and the white one was magnificent. It was as if his bright white fur glowed of wolf royalty.

"My three little angels!" Katherine cooed as she went over to them and picked all of them at once. All of them, one by one, touched their mouths to her cheek as if they were giving her a kiss. Katherine smiled; she was just glad that they knew of her.

"Why don't they change back?" Elijah said.

"They can't change back now Uncle 'lijah," Arianna said. "It would be inappropriate because they have no clothing. Grandmother, Grams and Aunt Bea would be ashamed." Elijah and Katherine smiled at their little accents.

"I see and where is your Grandmother, Grams and Aunt Bea?" Elijah said. Before they could answer, Katherine cut in.

"Elijah, I don't think we should be talking about this here," Katherine said. "We don't know who could be around." Elijah nodded.

"How about we go find a place we can stay for the night and then you can tell us everything," Elijah said. The twins nodded and the pups gave a small howl in agreement. They walked through the woods with Elijah carrying the twins and Katherine carrying all three wolves. She just couldn't put them down.

Once they were near the edge of the forest, Elijah waited with the kids while Katherine went to the department store grab a few necessities.

Katherine went up to a local who was walking by and compelled her to give up her sunglasses and hat. She put them on and made her way to the department store. Last thing Katherine wanted right now was to be noticed or worst, called Elena. After what seemed like an hour, she came back with many pairs of clothing for boys and girls, pajamas and shoes. Katherine made sure to get Elijah and her some clothing as well. Lastly, she brought two large luggage bags.

"Why did you bring the luggage bags?" Elijah said as he looked at the clothes she got him.

"Well, I thought we could sign in at a hotel and for that we need to look like we travelled here. Elijah, don't make a face. I know you don't wear suits from the department store so I didn't get you any. It's just pajamas and some basic necessities." Katherine said. "Okay you three, change back and put on some clothes."

The three wolves just stood there and looked around the forest with a squirmy look on their faces.

"What is it angels? Do you not like the clothes?" Katherine said.

"No, I think it's just that they are dirty. They need to take a shower first," Aden said.

"Let's make our way to the hotel, Katarina. They can change there," Elijah said.

"Okay but what's our reason for having three wolf pups?" Katherine said. Both of them looked at the three pups and then at the large luggage bags.

"I guess we can put them in there, keep a little bit open for air," Elijah said.

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