The festival

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Chapter 10: The Festival

Hey everyone! thank-you for your reviews! It motivates me a lot! Just to clarify with what's happening with Rebekah in the present. She's forgetting what she's seen in her dreams. It's like dreaming something and forgetting it when you wake up in the morning. Also I know you guys are waiting for Klaroline interactions, there is some in this chapter (yay! :D). However, I have mapped out the entire story and I need Rebekah and Stefan's relationship to move a little faster than Klaus and Caroline's but not to worry that doesn't mean there will be less of them :) Enjoy!
Present Time

"Ahhhhh" Rebekah's head was bursting in pain. What she had seen in her dream had slowly started to vanish. She couldn't remember what she had seen anymore. She scrambled through her mind as she tried to grasp the last of the vision but failed. She slowly got out of her bed and walked to the washroom. Something was definitely going on and it wasn't lost love sickness, if there was such a thing. She needed to see a witch and find out what was going on.

Rebekah quickly got ready and got into her black Ferrari f430. The Mikaelsons always had to have the best cars. She drove north speeding all the way to Great Falls. She had a friend there that could possibly help her with these constant headaches and blurry visions.

Rebekah parked in front of an antique house near the river. She zoomed to the door and rang the door bell. A girl opened the door. She had golden beige skin, dark brown hair and bright turquoise blue eyes. Rebekah smiled as she saw the girl in front of her.

"Rebekah!" She said as she stepped out and hugged her. Rebekah hugged her back.

"Tasha! It's so good to see you!" Rebekah said.

"Come in...I know I technically don't have to invite you in but come on. We have so much to catch up on." Tasha said as she held Rebekah's hand and pulled her in.

Rebekah had met Tasha five years ago and found out that Tasha was a witch. Even though other witches had warned Tasha about Original vampires, Tasha couldn't care less. Rebekah was a good friend to her and had never demanded anything from her unlike Rebekah's brothers, who have been asking for one thing or another from witches from the very beginning.

The two girls chatted away about everything that has happened in their lives. Rebekah told her about Stefan and Caroline and also about her weird headaches and blurry visions.

"Give me your hand." Tasha said. Rebekah obliged and waited as Tasha closed her eyes. After a moment she opened her eyes and let go of Rebekah's hand. Tasha had a confused look on her face.

"What is it?" Rebekah asked. She was getting impatient; Tasha was always confident about her ability. Rebekah had never seen her so perplexed about anything.

"The spirits are blocking my vision. All I can see is that everything will be fine very soon and it will be for the better. You're life is going to change Rebekah." Tasha said looking up and then smiled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rebekah said impatiently. These spirits always had to mess around with them.

"You so impatient." Tasha laughed. "Trust me, from what I felt; your life is going to get better. It will not be long." Tasha said and smiled.

Rebekah looked at Tasha for a moment and then gave up. Tasha was tied too, if the spirits were blocking her vision then there isn't much she could do.

Back to the Past

The sun was about to rise but Stefan and Rebekah could care less. All they wanted to do was to lay there on the grass and gaze into each other's eyes. It had been two weeks since they had first watched the sun rise together. Stefan slowly moved his head closer to hers and lightly touched his lips to hers. It had been so different here in the past with Rebekah. He couldn't think about anyone except for her. Rebekah moved closer and took her hand and placed it around his neck pulling him closer. He gently moved onto her deepening the kiss. A moan escaped her lips, parting and giving him entry. His tongue explored her mouth as his hand ran down the waist. She put both of her arms around, holding him there. He placed kisses on her jaw, neck and going down to her chest. He had forgotten that they were both human and needed to breathe.

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