Veil and Wedding

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Chapter 30: Veil and Wedding

"Are there others?" Bonnie asked. Jeremy looked at Bonnie with a confused expression on his face.

"Others?" Jeremy said. Bonnie was losing patience, she needed him to understand.

"I mean have you seen other people come with you who are dead," Bonnie said.

"No, it was only me," Jeremy said. Bonnie paced around frustrated. Tasha picked up Shane's book that they had gotten from his office and started looking through it.

"The veil is definitely down, there is no way that Jeremy could be back just like that," Bonnie said.

"Bonnie, relax. Jeremy is finally back and no one else is. This is a good thing," Elena said.

"There's nothing in here about what happens after the veil has been dropped," Tasha said.

"Listen up all of you, I won't have of my supernatural enemies coming anywhere near here. Figure out how to put the veil back up or there are going to be bodies lining up to go back to the other side. And I don't mind starting with him," Klaus said as he pointed at Jeremy.

"No problem, I'll come right back," Jeremy said. Klaus was about to go at him.

"Nik, please," Caroline said. Klaus stopped in the middle. "We're all trying to find out what's going on. We have to let Tasha and Bonnie work on this."

"Well witches" Klaus stopped in front of Bonnie and Tasha. "If anything happens to Caroline, I will make sure you guys end up on the other side. Especially you," Klaus looked at Bonnie. "You put a protection spell over this house and still this hunter was able to gain access. Better figure this out quickly," Klaus threatened and left the room.

"I hate to admit it but he's right," Damon said. "How did young Gilbert here come into the house?"

"I think it's because he's human again," Stefan said.

"That could be it, but we're not sure," Bonnie said. "Tasha let's go to the library, we need to figure this out as soon as possible. Not all of the supernatural entities who may be coming down as we speak are our friends." Tasha nodded and the two witches went off to the library.


Caroline walked into the bedroom. Klaus was sitting on the armchair resting his head back. Caroline came around to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. Klaus opened his eyes to look up at her. He held her hand and helped her into the armchair in front of him.

"It's going to be okay Nik," Caroline said.

"I don't know Caroline. I mean I cannot let anything happen to you or our children," Klaus said. "We don't know where this is going. I have a lot of enemies that I killed on the other side and they will come after me and you. I can't lose you."

"Nik, everyone here has killed someone who they don't want back in this world. Everyone will be working hard to take care of this situation," Caroline said. Klaus nodded as he kissed the inside of her hand. Caroline smiled.


Everyone sat around going through grimoires and other books to find a way to put the veil back. They spent long hours studying spells, combination of spells, theories and anything that could help.

On the other hand, Caroline refused to postpone the wedding. She went on with planning it. She called the florist ordering Rebekah's favourite flowers, the centre pieces, a live band, the caterers and booked a time to go shop for a wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses. Everyone tried to explain how it would be better to wait and see what's happening with the veil.

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