Plans and More Plans

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Chapter 14: Plans and More Plans

Caroline saw Stefan quickly walk towards the door. She had seen him talk to the five council members about something but couldn't hear anything due to all the people walking over to signup.

"Stefan!" She called but her voice drowned in the crowd.

"Caroline, where did Stefan go?" Rebekah asked.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Come on let's go see." Nik said as they followed him out.

They walked rapidly to catch up to Stefan. He seemed as if he was in a rush to go somewhere.

"Stefan!" Rebekah called. He stopped and turned around. They finally caught up to him.

"Where are you going in such a rush?" Caroline asked.

"Care, I finally have a chance at getting a job!" Stefan said.

"Yes, we all do mate." Nik said. He was obviously referring to the fact that the whole village was going to help build the bridge.

"No, I mean, they have given me a chance to prepare plans for the structure of the bridge. I have to present it tomorrow morning to the council. If they approve, it can open many other opportunities." Stefan explained.

"That is wonderful Stefan." Rebekah said and hugged him.

"That's great Stef!" Caroline said.

"Is there any way we can help you mate?" Nik asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Stefan thought about it for a moment.

"Yes, I need scrolls and ink. Nik I need your help to build a small model of the bridge." Stefan said.

"Then it is set, I will go get some wood. Rebekah. You and Caroline go with Stefan to get scrolls." Nik said and started to run towards the forest.

Once Stefan had gotten the scrolls and ink, he got a piece of wood with a straight edge and started to draw out the plan. Nik, upon Stefan's instructions started to cut the wood in small pieces so they were ready when Stefan was finished drawing the plan. The girls brought them their meals as they continued to work. While Stefan was drawing all the different dimensions, Nik went and helped his brothers with chores.

It was already nightfall and everyone was already sleeping except Stefan, Nik, Caroline and Rebekah. Caroline and Rebekah watched Stefan and Nik build the model constantly referring back to the drawings.

"Care, can you please get us something to drink." Stefan asked without looking. When no one responded, he looked back to find them asleep with Rebekah's head and Caroline's head resting against each other. Stefan and Nik smiled at them. Nik went into the house to get them some water. Stefan and Nik finally finished building the small model of the bridge. Stefan carefully took his drawing and rolled them up as Nik safely put the model bridge away.

"Caroline. Rebekah." Stefan slowly shook Caroline's shoulder.

"Huh?" Caroline woke up.

"Is it morning already?" Rebekah woke up. Stefan quietly laughed.

"No. You two should go to your room to sleep. Nik and I are finished." Stefan said.

Caroline and Rebekah went inside and went to sleep. Stefan and Nik also followed, they needed to rest. It would not be long till sunrise.

Stefan and Nik woke up right at sunrise. They got ready and had breakfast with the rest of the family. Then they collected their things and made their way to the village meeting place.

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