Waking up

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Chapter 16: Waking up

The night was coming to an end and Rebekah and Stefan wanted to retire to their home to be alone. Rebekah and Stefan were told to stand beside each other and everyone lined up on both sides forming a pathway. They held torches in their hands lighting the path all the way to their home. Rebekah and Stefan held hands and started walking through. People cheered as they walked past them. They felt so special as if they were royalty. As they reached their home, people started to leave. Again they congratulated them and wished them the best. Once everyone left, Stefan opened the door. Rebekah was about to step inside when Stefan said,


"Why?" Rebekah asked. Stefan smiled and picked her up in his arms bridle-style. She put her hands around his neck smiling. He walked over the threshold and kicked the door close behind him. Rebekah kissed him knowing that now they were together officially without any sneaking around. Stefan carried her to their room and placed her on the bed. Rebekah pulled him onto the bed with her.

"You are in a hurry." Stefan smirked and then kissed her neck. Rebekah closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on her skin.

"Not in hurry, just..." She blushed but her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"I know." Stefan said. He understood how she felt was exactly how he felt. He crashed his lips to hers just beginning the to-be long first wedded night.

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Klaus slid his hand up and down her back as they lay there in peace. The gathering must be long gone by now. Caroline looked up at him, her green eyes gazing into his. She smiled and then got up.

"I think we should get going. Everyone's probably wondering where we disappeared to." Caroline said.

"On the contrary love, I think they are reminiscing about the wedding that just occurred or drunk and asleep." Klaus said as he got up. They both put on their clothes. Caroline blushed when she saw Klaus staring at her as she dressed. Klaus smiled, she had to know how beautiful she is. He walked over to her and kissed her. Caroline was surprised at first but then responded to his moving lips on hers. He then pulled back.

"You are beautiful Caroline and you are the only woman I will ever want to be with." He whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed his lip.

They walk out into the dark village hand in hand. The moon brightly lit the sky along with the all the stars.

"It looks so beautiful." Caroline said as she looked up at the moon.

"Not as beautiful as you, sweetheart. It will be a full moon in two days. Do you remember your first time in the caves?" Klaus smirked. Caroline blushed red and then smiled.

"I still don't know how I made you stay with me the whole night." Caroline said. Klaus smirked and then took her hand.

"Well, you held onto my hand like this." He demonstrated. "And then you turned around like this holding on to it." Klaus said.

"Well, you could have pulled it out." She suggested.

"And wake you from your sleep, love?" Klaus said as he mocked a dramatic expression.

"Nik!" Caroline said loudly.

"Shhhhhh. You will wake the whole village." Nik said jokingly. They continued to walk to Caroline's house.

"Okay, but you were going to kiss me that morning. How are you going to explain that?" Caroline smiled.

"Caroline, I was always drawn to you, but I was seeing Tatia at that time. You do not know how confusing it was for me. My mind was always on you." Klaus said. He truly meant it. Back then, he would be with Tatia but his thoughts were constantly about Caroline.

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