Arrangements and Grief

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Chapter 5: Arrangements and Grief

"Come in." Ayana said. Her voice was deep and mystical. It must be a Bennett thing.

Caroline and Stefan walked into the house and Ayana shut the door after them. The house was quite small compared to the Mikaelsons. There was a small bed in the corner, a fireplace in the centre wall and a small table surrounded by chairs in front of it.

"Please, have a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?" Ayana said.

"No thank-you." Caroline said. Stefan and Caroline sat down at the table across from Ayana.

"Tell me, what can I do for you?" Ayana asked.

"Well..." Caroline started and then looked at Stefan.

"What happened is that we're actually from the future. We've been transported here by one of your descendents. She was doing a cleansing spell and somehow we woke up here." Stefan said. Ayana looked at both of them for a while.

"Give me your hands." Ayana finally said. Stefan and Caroline extended their hands. Ayana gently took a hand in each of hers and closed her eyes. After a few moments she opened her eyes and let go of their hands.

"The magic that has sent you here was very powerful dark magic." Ayana said. She looked unhappy and sad.

"Is there no way you can send us back?" Caroline said. What if they were stuck there forever? What would happen when the Mikaelsons were turned into vampires?

Ayana got up and got a book from under her pillow. It looked like the one Bonnie had back at home. She started looking through the grimoire.

"What year are you from?" Ayana asked when she finally stopped flipping pages.

"2013." Stefan said.

"Well, I have found a spell that could send you back however, the years you have travelled is too great. My power alone cannot send you back. Have you spoken with Ester?" Ayana asked.

Stefan and Caroline looked at each other wondering if they should tell her. Finally, Stefan spoke up.

"No we have not spoken to Ester because in the future..." Stefan was interrupted by Ayana.

"I do not want to know what happens in the future." Ayana said sternly.

"Well then, all we can tell you is that you're the only one who can send us back. Telling Ester would affect the future outcomes." Caroline said. Ayana nodded and went back to looking at the grimoire.

"If I have to do this spell alone, I have to gain the power to do so and that can take months or even years." Ayana said.

"You mean we are stuck here until you have enough power?" Caroline was desperate. What were they going to do here during that time? What will their families think? Many thoughts started entering her mind until she finally asked.

"What's going to happen in the future if we are here?" She said.

"Well for now I can do a spell that will prevent the future from changing. But it will not be that powerful and will have some side effects." Ayana explained.

"What kind of side effects?" Stefan asked.

"I am not sure." Ayana said.

Caroline and Stefan nodded in agreement. They were stuck there for now and there was nothing that could be done at the moment. Ayana flipped the page of her grimoire and asked for their hands again. Once she held their hands in hers, she started chanting. The flames in the fire place and lamp roared. Finally, Ayana let go of their hands and told them it was done. Stefan and Caroline got up and were about to leave when Ayana said,

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