Forty-one: Apologies

Depuis le début

She looked completely drained as we sat in silence after she declared her love for me and I couldn't help but feel guilty for not saying it back straight away or for not saying something to her, I was just in shock from her saying it first but we've both said it and I couldn't help but feel giddy inside.

Even though she had just woke up an hour ago she was lying peacefully asleep tucked into my chest, breathing lightly. I couldn't help but stare at the gorgeous girl I call mine lying beside me, a small smile tugged its way onto my lips seeing her so content. Call me a smug prick but I loved the way she came undone for me before was amazing and I had to stop myself from taking her there and then.

Mum and Rob were still out and I heard Gemma pottering around the house before so I presumed that mine and Ava's alone time was cut short, not that I minded I had already done part of what I wanted to do and I was happy.

A quiet knock broke me out of my trance staring at Ava and whipped my head around to see Gemma's brown hair popping into view we smile at each other before she spoke up.

"Hi, I'm making a cuppa and a sandwich for dinner, you want one?"

"Yeah I'll come down and make a cuppa, I'm starving and little miss lazy tucked up into my side had a bacon sandwich about an hour ago." I shifted slightly removing my arm from her petite waist, I froze when she stirred in her slumber but she was oblivious and went back to sleep. Standing up from the bed I walked around it and placed a kiss on her forehead before walking out the door and downstairs for dinner.

I hadn't realised the time until my mum and Rob walked through the door, mum wearing the biggest smile on her face while Rob came in with the shopping. She gasped when she saw my lying on the couch and rushed over to me unzipping her purse to show me a picture but it wasn't just any picture it was an ultrasound, an ultrasound of my new baby brother or sister. I sat up quickly and studied the picture, not much was shown but I could see the silhouette of the baby.

"How far?" I asked not taking my eyes off the distorted picture

"3 months exactly, nothing can go wrong." I smiled down at the picture and I finally looked up at my mum who had tear filled eyes

"You do know that I'm sorry for how I reacted yesterday right mum, I didn't mean it I just supposed I was in shock over the whole thing, and I'm still not over what happened with Jay." She just nodded

"I know darling, but you know I would never think of replacing Jay, this is just a new start for us and a chance for us to try again." I nodded and took her hand in mine.

"Love ya mum." I stood up and kissed her cheek.

"I love you too Haz"


The smile I had woken up with soon vanished when I realised Harry wasn't laying with me, the sheet underneath was cold so I presumed he must've been away for a while. I expected to be woken up with his face snuggled near mine but it wasn't.

Sighing I flung the duvet off of my covered legs and plodded over to my suitcase and pulled out a clean pair of underwear, leggings and a cosy jumper to wear today. I looked over to the clock on Harry's bedside table.

1.05 pm. Jet leg is completely kicking my arse this trip.

When I emerged from the bathroom I felt refreshed for some reason, like a whole weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Not only did we find out that Anne was pregnant but we declared out love for each other. Grabbing my phone from the bedside table I walked towards the door wondering whether Anne and everyone else had returned home. I hadn't made it out of the door before I bumped into a hard chest, I looked up and the smile that washed off had reappeared again.

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