Somethings off.

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~Matthew's POV~
After Arthur and Francis left, Al went back upstairs to get ready. Me, kinda already being ready, just stayed down stairs and played with Kumagaharo. All I was doing was moving his paws up and down as he layed on he's back. He let me play with him for about a good 2 minutes, then he bit my finger, Thankfully not biting it of. It caused some blood to slip, I remember the first aid kit upstairs had bandages in it. I gave Kumayahechie a pat on the nose for biting me. I walked up the stairs to my room and went to the little bathroom door. I knocked three times on it.




"Yeah?" I heard Alfred reply from the other side.

"Can I come in for a second?" I asked but I doubt he heard me.

"Dude? Wha'ca need?" I hear him ask.

"A first aid kit."

"Hello? You still there?" He asked.

"Yes, can I come in or can you just pass a bandage underneath the door?"

The door knob twisted. Alfred opened up the door thankfully being dressed. But all the steam came out too, making my glasses fog up a bit.

"Oh sup Mattie! Thought you walked away?" He said with his 'famous' smile.

"Clearly not, i was replying back the whole time." I said while holding my bleeding finger.

"Dude! You need to speak up, Ya Know?" He gave off a chuckle at the end.

"Yeah, I'll try, can I get through now?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah sorry 'bout that!" He laughed as he turned around back to the sink.

"Sorry Al but, I need to go in the cabinet there."

"What for?" He asked


"Can I see?" He asked as his eyebrow raised in Curiosity.

"Umm, can you get a bandage first? Please?" I asked

"OH Yeah! Forgot 'bout that!" He said as he opened up the cabinet door and grabbed the first aid kit. He opened it up and rummaged through the kits belongings, once he found it he closed the first aid kit and put it back in the cabinet. He turned back to me. "Okay, first I need to clean the blood off." He said as he grabbed a cotton swab from a little bag he had laying on the sink. He put a little bit of water on it and cleaned off the blood.

"Dude? How'd this happen?" He asked as he slowly put the bandage on.

"Kumaragijrir bit me."

"Annnndd Done!" He said putting the little rapper in the tiny garbage bin.

"HEY! Mattie, bro! Wanna do a face mask with me?!!?" He looked over his shoulder and stared at me. But before I could say anything "GOOD! Now stay still!"

He put the face mask gel stuff on my face. Afterwards putting some on his own face.

After washing his hands he put a timer on his phone.

"Come on Dude! Let's go watch some TV or something?!"

I sighed as he walked over to his door and left to head towards the living room. I walked into my room and opened up a window, to let the (whatever season it is) breeze in, and the steam out.

I walked downstairs to see Al already on the TV .

"Anything good on?" I asked him.

"Nah bro. Wanna watch bubble guppies or super why?" He turned to look at me.

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