Ring Ring

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(A/N here, this is a vary short chapter.)

Then Matthew's phone rang.
~France's POV~

His ringtone was the song "Canadian Please", classic.

Matthew pulled out his phone and answered it

"Hello?" Matthew said followed by some mumbles from the phone.

"Oh! Ivan! Good to hear you again." Matthew replied.Alfred looked really really mad. I move over to Arthur, there's no way I'm gonna stand by Alfred when his angry, my guts are telling me I don't want to anyway.

"Yeah, I had a safe trip over." Alfred walked up to Matthew and taped his shoulder.

"Hey Ivan, one sec please. Yes Al?" Matthew looked over to Alfred.

"May I talk to this, Ivan guy. I think I might know him." Alfred said trying to calm down.

"Umm, Yeah, Hey Ivan, my brother wants to talk to you." Matthew said as he handed the phone over to Alfred.

"Hello! Are you Ivan?" Alfred said warmly, but we all knew it was fake.

"Ah! So my suspensions were right, you know the rules, right? You gotta follow'em just like every body else does, now see you in a couple of days, R. Bah Bye!" Alfred said as he handed the phone back to Matthew.

"Ivan, you know Alfred?" Matthew said followed by more mumbles from the phone.

"Okay! Bye!" Matthew said as he hung up the phone.

The rooms was dead silent

"Anyway, how's my room look?" Matthew tryed changing the subject.

"Smells like a forest" Alfred said bluntly

"I like it, Matthew. It's vary organized,"Arthur said

"Oh you 'ave French books too?" I asked as I looked throughout his bookshelf. This kid is innocent.

"Yup! It is my first language after all" Matthew said with his voice barley over a whisper.

Alfred looked like he was gonna cry at this point. Matthew saw this two, he rapped his arms around him and brought Alfred into a bone crushing hug.

"What's wrong Alfred?" Arthur said trying to at least sound conserned.

"Um, it's just, um," he was stumbling to find his words.

He took a deep breath and sighed " Matthew saying that his first language is French makes you think if I was he's brother it would be mine too, right? But I wasn't even there for most of his life. I'm no good." He said as tears rolled down his eyes.

" don't say that! how aboot we go down stairs and see what channels are on TV." Matthew asked Alfred.

"Yeah, *sniff* good idea." Alfred said as they walk out of the room.

I looked to Arthur. "Want to go with them?" I asked

"No thanks, I'm going to go to bed or read a book for a bit." He replied.

I strugged and walk down stairs to see the boys flipping threw the channels on tv.

" did you find zomething good?" I asked

"No." Alfred sounded defeated.

"I can call the Landlord to ask to put some channels we like on here." Matthew said.

"Nah! We can install Netflix or something on here." Alfred replied.

"Okay, do what you want. I'm going to bed, bon nuit les garçon!" I waved as I walked up stairs and into my room.

I then here my door open.

I see Matthew's bear. It wants to eat me...

"You." He said.

"Je ne parles pas anglais." I said worriedly, my words were failing me.

"I know you do." He replied

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked, I'm pretty dame scared right now.

"France." He said with a blank expression.

"Umm, it'z Francis, not France. But I'm France." I said trying to hid my fear.

"I know but-" he cut himself off.

"Wrong person,sorry." He said as he left my room.

I walked up to my door and locked it. Probably should have done that earlier.

That night. I had a dream I was at a meeting.

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