Chapter 20 - Reunited

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😭‼️Death of character below😭‼️


Author P.O.V

"... You mean a lot to me." Tae said as he turn his head to avoid Hoseok from seeing his flustered smile.

After Hobi had ran off from the group and Taehyung chasing after him, the two decided to run into an empty classroom on the second floor, barricading the door with desk and sitting on the floor under the chalkboard.

"Why? I'm a coward. I ran away leaving my friends and you with the killer... I-"

"Hobi you were scared. It's understandable your body naturally goes into flight or fight mode and you choose flight. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm sure the others are fine." Taehyung said trying his best to comfort his shaken and saddened crush.

"It doesn't matter. I've always been scared... Scared of this, scared of that, scared of you-" Hobi quickly covered his mouth upon saying the last word as he looked surprisingly at Tae.

"You're scared of me?" Tae asked feeling a small sting in his chest.

"No... Yes... It's not what it sounds like..." Hobi said quickly trying to make him understand without having to say what he's been scared to say since the day they first saw each other.

"Then what is it?" Tae asked feeling relieved.

"I can't tell you." Hobi said his throat going try as the words felt like they wanted to jump and reveal it to him themselves.

"Why not?" Tae asked confusingly. He genuinely had no idea what Hobi could be referring too. He swore that Jae said Hobi had liked him but he's not acting like it.

"Could Jae have been wrong?" Tae thought to himself.

"It's because I'm sca-" Hobi tried.

"Because you're scared." Tae muttered feeling hurt that there may be a chance that he might not feel the same way about him.

"If we can find Jimin then I can-" Hobi tried.

"Jimin?" Tae muttered. He had realized something if it was wrong he didn't care. His brain wasn't in control anymore only the pain and fear of rejection in his aching heart could be heard to him.

Taehyung stood up his bangs shielding his already teary eyes and he tried to smile away the pain that he was feeling. Hobi eyes following his every move confusingly.

"You always seem to talk about Jimin. Not as much about Jae or Keke." Tae said as a tear streamed down his jaw.

"Tae?" Hobi mumbled in confusion. He never saw Tae like this before.

"You like Jimin don't you?" Tae asked, fearing the possible answer to his question.

"What?" Hobi asked with a smile thinking he was making a joke.

"Don't you?!" Tae said in a serious tone his voice dropping lower in the already silent room.

"Tae?" Hobi asked in surprise.

"Please just answer the question." Tae demanded hanging his head low to hide his tears but Hobi already knew he was crying.

"Yeah b-" Hobi managed to say.

•Last Halloween || Jikook• حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن