Chapter 8 - Run

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Author P.O.V

Jimin and Jae slowly turned around to the masked figure and looked at him. His quiet and still pose gave a eerie feeling to everyone in the hall. The terror in the eyes of the soon to be victims in front of him actually made him start to chuckle. His chuckle was deep and so low even the devil himself was quaking.

Jae instinctively slowly made a few steps back hold Jimin to pull him back with him. Jimin had a puzzled expression on his face listening to the low chuckles of the figure, shortly after he started chuckling as well halting Jae's movements.

"Ha ha Jungkook, very funny. How old are you exactly? Tell your friend here to drop the act and just open the damn doors." Jimin said half humored at Jungkook's 'trick'.

"What the fuck? I don't have anything to do with this." Jungkook replied. He was pretty damn upset Jimin was accusing him.

"Yeah sure whatever." Jimin flicked him off not even bothering to think of the authorities that were among them.

"Listen pal... We're all in trouble here. So whatever game you and Jungkook are playing just stop it and open the doors." Jimin said to the figure as Jae looked skeptical at the two. Everyone in the hall had a bad feeling about except Jimin.

Instead of an answer the figure shook his head slowly.

"Oh Jungkook this guy is good. Are you paying him too?" Jimin sassed. Ignoring Jungkook's defense.

"Okay buddy what are you trying to here exactly?" Jimin asked playfully. The figure did not respond.

"Jimin I don't think this is a Jungkook's doing!" Taehyung shouted.

"Jimin he might be right." Jae whispered to him.

"Oh come on this is obviously a trick." Jimin said to all of them getting tired of Jungkook and his fuckery.

While Jimin had his back turned to the figure. He didn't notice when they guy pulled out to machetes from behind his back.

"Jimin." Jae whispered.

"What?" Jimin looked at him but saw he was frozen in place his staring at something. He turned around and followed where Jae's eyes were and saw the weapons not only that but through the dim light he also saw a dark substance dripping off of them. Jimin let out a hearty laugh and held his gut. From the position they were standing no one else saw the weapons in the figures hand except Jae and Jimin.

"Wow Jungkook really must be paying you. Okay okay, wanna play a game then?" Jimin asked calming down from his laughter. Jae on the other hand clutched on to his back and Jimin's hand ready to run. The figure shook his agreeing to Jimin's question with his weapons still in hand.

"Okay let me guess." Jimin said playfully tapping his chin.

"You're playing Mr. Psycho Scary Killer?" He asked. The killer nodded.

"Okay and we're your victims to phaha. Sorry... We're your victims to kill. Right?." Jimin asked muffling his laughter. The figure nodded.

"Okay so the means we can't leave?" He asked. The figure nodded.

"Oh okay that means you have an access pass?" He asked. The figure nodded.

"Oh is it the principal's?" He asked. The figure shook his head.

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