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Both JK and JM will be narrating. However, to tell the difference between them Jungkook's words will be underlined and Jimin's words will not. If it's both of them then it will be bold and underlined.


Jimin and Jungkook P.O.V

Jungkook and I had grown up together since me, him, Keke and Jae were in daycare together. We were all so happy and naive. Running around and enjoying being young with Yoongi and the son of our caregiver... Late caregiver...

Both Jimin and I had been utterly depressed with Yoongi being gone, same for Keke and Jae... Things just weren't the same without him. Our parents even stopped taking us to daycare. They never told us though...We still stayed in touch with one another always hanging out after school from 1st grade to 6th grade...

We were all close but then tragedy started...

We started high school. Our hormones all over the place. You know weird stuff happened... But when we started to hit puberty and learned what sex was and why we feel and react the way we do. Things got...

Complicated...between Jungkook and I. We wouldn't wanna sit next to each other at lunch...

We would always look at each other awkwardly if we made contact. Haha he always felt so warm and fuzzy.

Haha he always felt so hot and firm, like a comfy couch... But um yeah, things just wasn't the way it used to be between us... Keke would always come to me and express how how she felt about me... But I just couldn't feel that way about her...

Jae hinted that he liked me but he even asked me out once and I said 'yes' but all he did was kiss me and say it was fine and that he just wanted to know if he had a chance then walked away smiling. Haha I miss that little goof.

Over the weeks the awkwardness between Jungkook and I got even worse. To the point that I would avoid eating lunch with them and just sit by myself outside on the swings...

Jimin stopped eating with us and that really started to hurt me. I would refuse to eat in there as well. Usually Jae would eat with me while Keke ate with Jimin and sometimes they'd switch...

One they got tired of the daily lunch switching and decided to confront both Jungkook and I about it but separately...

They learned that the two of us had a crush on each other. I didn't believe them at first but I thought about and...

They were right...

We liked each other.

After learning that I was still too shy to be around Jungkook anymore. But one day while I was outside on the swings...

I walked out to Jimin at lunch while he was at his usual 'avoiding me' spot and I jus sat on the swings next to him. He got so startled he fell off the swing...

I thought he pushed me off the swings. I was so upset but all he did was look in my eyes and laugh. Which made me start to laugh. But I still dragged him on the ground with me...

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