Chapter 21 - 2NE1

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Note: 2NE1 has nothing to do with the story.


Keke P.O.V

"Lisa nooo..." I mumbled as I reached my hands forward to hold her dead body.

I felt no signs of life in her. Her skin was pale and cold, her eyes closed shut and head dangling in all directions.

"Lisa no why... Why did it have to be you..." I cried letting my tears leave behind their sorrowful trails as I mourn.

I sat on the ground in the stall and brought Lisa's body down towards me carefully; cradling her in my arms and brushing the strands of hair from her face.

I raised my hand in order to hold her better but it was smeared in blood.

Lisa's blood.

I turned her around and saw the cause of her death. She was stabbed in the back and the knife was still inside her.

"That fucker... Why would he do this too you? When I see him I'll... I'll avenge you... I promise." I mumbled as I grabbed the handle of the blade ready to pull it out.

"Don't!" Someone said from behind me. I froze instantly in my spot as fear began to seeping through my body. I slowly but hesitantly looked up to where I heated the voice.

"OH MY GOsh.... Yoongi you scared the fucking shit out of me." I said holding my chest and hissing at the pain from my injured breast.

I heard the bathroom stall door open behind me as Yoongi came over and squatted next to me looking both tired and sympathetic, but also something else i can't quite figure out.

"Why is he here?" I thought to myself.

"Sorry for startling you Keke." He said reaching forward and caressing my head like he used to do before he got taken away.

"But I don't think you should touch the knife. You might get your fingerprints on it and people will get the wrong idea." He said. I stayed quiet as he spoke but i couldn't help feel uneasy. He's aura is so...dark.

A hollow thud on the ground caught our attention as a bottle had fallen from Yoongi's; a prescription bottle; an empty prescription bottle.

"Yoongi?" I mumbled trying to sound as calm as possible not wanting to startle him. I doubt Yoongi would attack a thick bitch like me, but with all that's happening I have to be careful.

"What happened to your medicine?" I asked him as he didn't reply the first time.

"I threw them away. I didn't want to take them anymore." He replied he sounds so distant as if he was here but somewhere else.

"Yoongi why? You know those were for your depress-" I tried.

"FUCK MY DEPRESSION!" He screamed startling the fuck out of me. Honestly if I was cradling Lisa's body I'd be through the door by now.

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