Chapter 7 - Locked In

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Author P.O.V

All the students in the gymnasium whether drunk, high, half naked or dry humping each other, stopped at the sound of their principal's voice.

Mr. Bang stepped slowly forward his gentlemen shoes clapping against the ground with each step in the silent gym.

"Now that I have everyone's attention. I'm sure you all know that being on school premises at these hours are prohibited." He said while walking the students stepping out of his way as he looked at each of them.

"Not only that but..." He said bending over and picking up a empty alcohol bottle.

"But there is also illegal drinking on campus and I'm sure I can smell cigarettes and hormonal teenagers lingering around the room." He continued.

"We need to move!" Keke whispered. She looked around and noticed the bar station was empty tapping Jimin on the shoulder she gained his and everyone else's attention she nudged her head into the direction of the bar and Jimin nodded understanding. All five of the somehow moved unseen in the tense atmosphere and hid behind the bar.

"What are we doing back here?" Jae asked.

"He's right we need to leave." Hobi added.

"I know but listen. The place is too packed and quiet for us to just make a move unseen. Plus the doors are being blocked by two other teachers. Our bet option is to hide here." Keke explained.

"She's right." They agreed.

"I wonder where the fuck Jungkook is." Taehyung asked himself.

"Pfft knowing him he's probably fucking someone or maybe he saw Mr. Bang coming and left." Jimin spat crossing his arms.

"He wouldn't do that. He's my best friend." Taehyung defended.

"Pfft sure cause he's so trustworthy." Jimin muttered turning his back to them.

"Look Jimin I don-" Taehyung was interrupted by someone placing their hand on top of his. Looking up he saw it was Hoseok who was giving him a sympathetic look and shaking his head, indicating to leave it alone.

Taehyung had gotten really pissed at what Jimin said honestly wanted to say something to defend Jungkook but seeing the look on Hoseok's face and the way his hand looks on top of his made him calm down for the sake of his crush. He nodded his head back to Hobi and in return he gave him a small smile which he also gave back. For a moment they just stared into each other's eyes kinda falling into their own little world again. Hobi realized where he hand was and quickly removed it and gave him an apologetic smile turning his back to him. Tae smiling at the action.

"Now..!" Principal Bang said gaining their attention as he walked back to the door and stood in between the two teachers.

"As I'm sure you all can know these actions come with consequences. So here's what going to happen. You will all get into lines of three in front of Mr. Kim, Ms. Kim and myself. Then you will give us your names and we will then be calling each and everyone of your parents. Do I make myself clear?" He asked folding his arms authoritatively waiting and expecting the students to agree and follow the instructions given.

Within ten seconds a random empty alcoholic bottle was thrown in to the air and hit the ground directly in front of Mr. Bang and the teachers shattering into tiny pieces cause the three to avert their eyes as well as anyone close.

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