Chapter 1 - It's Gonna Be A Killer

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Jimin P.O.V

You might be wondering. Just how the fuck does a high schooler, get locked in a school with a majority of people I dislike, as well as a psychopath killer chasing after all of us in just one fucking weekend?

Well I'd love for you to tell me, cause I have no fucking idea. But nonetheless here's my story.


It was a nice windy evening on a Friday. The whole week of school was finally done with, and I could kick back and relax now. School started like a month ago and it's like these teachers wanna stuff us with a ton of knowledge. Yet after we leave most of us still don't know how to pay our bills, or do taxes. But hey, at least we can calculate what time a fucking train will reach it's destination at a certain speed. Cause everyone needs to know that, right?

On days like this I would invite over my friends but their all going to be at the 'Busan High Annual Halloween Bash'. What's that? Well let me explain. Basically it's like a party held every year around Halloween to celebrate the freshmen that are arriving and also the like myself seniors that are leaving soon. It's nonstop partying from Friday night to Sunday and if you're thinking that the school is awesome for allowing this then I'd hate to bop your bubble but they aren't. Basically it's a type of invite only party, the seniors that plan the parties give out invitations to the students that they know will keep their mouths shut aka the cool kids. So nerds, emo and math cliques are never invited and if you're wondering "then why don't they just snitch?" And that is a good question that no one has dared to try because of course snitches get stitches. And despite the school not allowing this its been happening ever since my parents were my age but of course when it's being sponsored by the richest students in town the school will obviously turn a blind eye to it.

So I'm not going not because I'm boring or a "social outcast" but I'm not going because it's being held at I place I fucking hate, filled with people I don't fuck with and being hosted by the biggest douche bag I've ever known my ex boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. Don't ask how we ended up together, just know we're not together anymore cause some people decided to go and coat their sperm on every ass that's available.

Anyway, my evening continued to be simple like any other. I layed in the living texting my friends and watching tv.

Come on Jimin you have to come to the party😭😫😤

-No I'm not going
-YK why I'm not going there
-Besides I thought you didn't like crowds ?

-Yk he will be pay attention to getting ass tonight. He won't bother you😫
- I don't but Keke and Hobi wouldn't stop bugging me 😭

-Just like how he got yours?🌚
-Poor thing😭 I'll cry for you at home😂

-Bitch🌝 it was just one time omg
- I hate you🙁

-One time for 10 rounds

-The dick was good
-Yk what
-Bye I gotta get ready

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