Trying to be there

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No one POV
Y/N knew that it would be useless if she tries to make Jihyo smile because she had some else in her heart. Trying hard to make her smile become even more annoying to Jihyo.

Y/N notices it, she stop being herself and be quiet like she never before. She knows that she still need to be there although her funny jokes dont work anymore for Jihyo. Going to school together or coming back home from school together is no more but replace with someone else to accompany her home.

Everytime when Jihyo stayed later in school than usual, Y/N would always go home first because she knows she needs to take care of her sister. Every ride home in the bus, she would remember her days together with Jihyo. There was one time when Jihyo took a video of Y/N sleeping secretly, makes Y/N smile and laugh by herself.

Little that Y/N know, Jihyo actually dating with someone that everyone knows but Y/N herself doesn't know. Y/N hates to socialise with someone not in her circles. When the news spreads, Y/N become more and more like a bodyguard to her. Protecting her every bit that she could. Noticing that, Y/N too realises that Jihyo becoming clumsy everyday. She tends to fall easily, losing her grip but Y/N still manages to catch her.

Day by day Jihyo becoming even more happier than what Y/N could give which makes Y/N feel even more useless.

Happiness was being put aside after 2 months, sadness and madness took over. Jihyo had been frustrated and zone out almost all time. Y/N tried to open Jihyo up but she didnt want to by saying "nothing" all the time, avoiding every question Y/N had been asking. Y/N feels like she is making Jihyo felt annoyed so she stop asking and give Jihyo more space. It really hurts Y/N that Jihyo is acting like this to Y/N when its her birthday itself.
Jihyo and friends remember that last Y/N celebrated her birthday was when she was in elementary. Afterwards was just a sentence of "생일축(saengilchuk// happy birthday)" it was their break time. All of Y/N's friend went out to toilet but Y/N dont know that the real reason was they went to a nearest shopping mall to buy a small cake for Y/N. "Where did they go actually? How can they go toilet for too long" Y/N look around. Jihyo avoided the question and acted all busy.

After an half an hour of them missing, Jihyo suddenly spoke up, " can you follow me to our school convenient store? I want to buy my favourite candy" Y/N nodded and went out first. A sudden hand covers Y/N's eye shook Y/N. "Dont peek until we reached" a simple sentence came out from Jihyo. She couldnt help but smile over her words. One of Jihyo's hand covers Y/N's eyes while the other hand pulling her,leading her the way.

They reach to a small sheltered place where there arent alot of people walk by. Jihyo slowly take her hand away, revealing little surprise but a memorable celebration. They sang Birthday song to Y/N but soon after, Y/N sang it to Jihyo because to both of them, its a surprise that their birthday is just side by side. Little present but it is memorable for Y/N to keep it to her "memories wardrobe" side. Y/N blow the candle with a wish, 'i hope that our friendship stay' Y/N then feed herself follow by Jihyo , Dahyun and to the other member ( follow by date order)
School is over, now Jihyo is back to what she was before celebrating Y/N's birthday. 'I guess they fought' Space was given but frustration was being left on Y/N when Jihyo finally opens up to Chaeng. 'Why is she always open minded when it comes to Chaeng? How is it different when compared to me? Am I not worthy to be open up to? Am i not trying or not bothered to open you up while you're sad here?' Y/N groan and look away while her ears still perks up to listen.

"He changed, he don't message me like always. The guy i know, would always reply straight away or few minutes later but now he would always message hours later. Is not that im being childish but he would usually put emojies at the end of the sentence but now no" Jihyo sigh, "i put all my sincerity to plan for a date but he would always give excuse like 'im tired babe' 'not today, im busy'. There was one time, i thought he would be the first to wish me happy birthday first but.." Jihyo trail off.

Curiousity kills cat, Y/N glance, trying to see what is Jihyo and Chaeng doing. Chaeng was hugging Jihyo and rubbing her back. Y/N sigh and back to resting her head on the table. " you know what he say?" "What is it?" Chaeng question up. "Sorry babe i forgot about it" Jihyo's voice tremble.

Y/N perk, plans and thought in her mind. 'Then let's cut class today Jihyo' Y/N stood up and walk behind Jihyo. "Eonni where are you going?" Chaeng look at Y/N . "Ahh.. i forgot." She grab Jihyo's hand. "Let's cut class today" Y/N smile. Y/N pull Jihyo out in the middle of Jihyo's question. She didnt listen to what Jihyo was about to say because her mind was actually planning on what she want things to be done to celebrate Jihyo's belated birthday. 'Since he can't give you what you wanted for what couples always do, then allow me to do that bucket list of yours' 

"Y/N answer me" Y/N snapped. "Hmm? Sorry what did you ask just now?" "Where are we going?" "Celebrate your birthday" Y/N smile.

"But my birthday was yesterday"

"Belated birthday it is then" Y/N wink and continue what she plan. "Why is that?" Y/N ignores. 'Because a girl like you don't deserve such a poor treatment from a guy like him. He doesnt know how to cherish you. It only goes to show how much you really mean to him.. nothing..'

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