Mind telling me?

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No one POV
So, Y/n and Jihyo slept together but only one that slept in peace which is Jihyo. Y/N is actually stoning, blushing hard because Jihyo is actually cuddling with her. It took very long time and effort to get Y/N near to Jihyo like what  Y/N dreamt of and imagine things out but Y/N isn't used to it yet. Y/N tried to make herself free from Jihyo's hug but failed, the more she move, Jihyo feel annoyed by groaning. Y/N stayed still with a poker face until morning.
Sun rises, Jihyo is finally awake and.. Of course Y/N is awake too. Jihyo started to sit up and stretch her back, not realizing that Y/N is still stoning all along.

The moment when Jihyo stretch her back to the side, she saw dark circles on Y/N both eyes. "Omo! Did you not sleep the night?" Y/N just shake her head slowly, side to side. "i-i can't get used being cuddled by someone although I know them" Y/N stutter. "then how are you going to go school then?"  "take Mc?" Y/N turn her head to Jihyo slowly.

"Aish! You know our lecturer wouldnt like it if people take Mc when they are not sick right? Besides, i didnt know that youre not used to being cuddled." Jihyo look down. "알라서 (arraseo//fine) i will go to school with this panda eyes okay?" Y/N glue a wide smile while walking to the bathroom. "Okay, i will make for us breakfast for both of us!" Jihyo yell.
They head to school together which they did gain some weird glares."You go to class first, i will get for you coffee" Jihyo then part her way to the nearest vending machine. Y/N rest her head on the table, looking straight with a sleepy face. "Ya.. what happen to you? Why is there gossips bout you?" Y/N slowly lift her head and look at Nayeon "isit true that you are dating?" Sana came closer.

"I wish but it isnt true.." Y/N then rest her head on the table again. "What do you mean by 'i wish'?" Sana bombard her question, Y/N gulp "nothing.." "something fishy~" Tzuyu butt in

"No we're not" Y/N said almost like a yell. "So you arent dating? Aww.." Sana sit down opposite Y/N with disappointment. "Then what about your eye?" "Well.. you know.. we did sleep together.. but then.." Y/N trail off "you kissed?" Sana butt in. "What? No! She just cuddle me.. so i couldnt sleep because of it.. and my heart beat was fast"

Nayeon just smirk "stop beating around the bushes Y/N.. you know what you're doing.. you're heart cant deny to Jihyo" Y/N just sigh and think about Nayeon's word. It seems like they all get what Nayeon say while Y/N still cant get a single word. Jihyo came in with a smile and gave the coffee to Y/N "energise you up!"

Y/N was energised but still feel sleepy. She still think about the moment of both of them together. Y/N feels like its a precious moment when other members would say it is a precious moment to begin with love.

Y/N really dont have experience on gxg relationship when her other previous relationship wasnt good as she thought. Just a sudden idea came up to see if her heart towards Jihyo is real.

"I should be with him.. i need to see if it works"Y/N talk to herself.
Day by day, Y/N going home with her contact instead of going home with Jihyo since Jihyo too, going home with her friends now a days.

Probably Y/N was just stupid to do that decision to be together with him since nothing going the right way. She dont feel things growing in the heart. She feel like she miss someone else than him.

A month only, just one month, Y/N and her boyfriend grew apart, none of them making an effort to talk and resolve everything. Y/N decide to break since its not what she wanted and nothing going right.
After a few weeks, Y/N become moody because what she found out isn't acceptable. Her friend, her close friend, Sana, was attached to Y/N ex. She couldnt take it that she distanced herself frome everyone.

Y/N really couldnt take it until she eats alone, ignoring everyone's call including Jihyo's. It was totally a hard time for Y/N to really trust people.

She was about to leave the school but her steps stops when Jihyo call her another time. This time, she didnt reject or ignore but she pick up the call. "야.. 너 왜그래?? 너 어디야?( ya.. neo waegeurae? Neo eodiya// what's wrong with you?? Where are you?) "im sorry i ignored you earlier on.." Y/N sigh. "Its fine.. i understand how you feel now." Jihyo's voice is like mother-like, worried. "Its hard for me to trust the people around me now" Y/N sigh another time. "Including me?" Jihyo scoff. "No.. you did nothing wrong, why should i not trust you?"

"Do you want to go home together today or you want to go home by yourself?"

Y/N remain silent since Jihyo is the one she only worried and really care with her whole heart. I mean who would reject that type of offer? "I.. i dont mind.." Y/N respond half heartly. "Then.. you go first?" "Well yea okay"

They ended the call with such a stupid decision for Y/N choose. She should have said that she needed Jihyo but oh well, it seems like Y/N's heart towards Jihyo isnt clear yet.

She continue to walk, dragging her feet and went home with such a angry, annoyed, sad and what so ever you can name it home. Shes been missing the whole time in the social chat. Jihyo started to feel worried again so she decide to go school together with Y/N.

She saw Sana, she wants to scream her lungs out to Sana but she didnt. Why? Because Sana is still her friend and she dont have a heart to do that such thing to her friend. The only thing that can make it worst is that everyone would leave her alone and make her a loner. So she scrap everything away and act nothing happen. She smile like nothing hurts her, nobody notices that.

"Hey.." Jihyo break the silent between all of us. " im dating someone"

——- to be continued——-

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